Package: znc Version: 0.206 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), openssl100-dev Depends: openssl100-shlibs Source: Source-MD5: b7d3f21da81abaeb553066b0e10beb53 DocFiles: AUTHORS LICENSE LICENSE.OpenSSL Description: IRC Bouncer DescDetail: << How does it work? Install ZNC on your server. Generate an initial configuration via znc --makeconf. For each IRC network, you need to create a ZNC user. For example, use one user for Freenode, one user for EFnet, one user for Quakenet, etc. You can later change settings (add more users, tune existing ones, etc.) via the web interface or from IRC. Configure your IRC client to connect to your ZNC server. It's a good idea to use username:password as the password in your client, so that (even for broken clients) ZNC can figure out which user you are connecting as. Read the FAQ if you run into any problems. Feel free to ask on IRC if you need more help. Enjoy! (Profit?) << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald