Package: 4ti2 Version: 1.3.2 Revision: 103 BuildDepends: gmp5 (>= 5.0.2-1), glpk-dev (>= 4.44-1) Depends: gmp5-shlibs (>= 5.0.2-1), libgmpxx5-shlibs (>= 5.0.2-1), glpk-shlibs (>= 4.44-1) Source: Source-MD5: 93367e63944d8bb18192c4984544ed0d PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 1bdba6baffb3a5c0b76dc853dd4c5117 License: GPL2+ GCC: 4.0 DocFiles: COPYING NEWS README TODO InfoTest: TestScript: make check || : SplitOff: << Package: %N-dev Conflicts: %N (<= 1.3.2-1), libecat Replaces: %N (<= 1.3.2-1), libecat BuildDependsOnly: true Files: include lib DocFiles: COPYING NEWS README TODO << Maintainer: Dave Morrison Description: Software for algebra, geometry, combinatorics DescDetail: << 4ti2 -- A software package for algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial problems on linear spaces. Documentation at << DescPackaging: << For the moment, we do not build shared libraries (although this could easily be done with "ConfigureParams: --enable-shared") because upstream does not appear to be versioning them. If they ever become needed for something else, this package could be modified appropriately, creating a -shlibs splitoff. As of rev. 2, we do create a -dev splitoff, so that conflicts between 4ti2's include files and those of other packages can be easily resolved. Thanks to Jack Howarth for patching this for use with modern compilers. <<