Info2: << Package: arpack-ng%type_pkg[-mpi]%type_pkg[-blas] Version: 3.1.5 Revision: 2 Type: -blas (-atlas -ref .), gcc(4.8), lapack (3.4.2), -mpi (. -mpi) Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Description: Solve large scale eigenvalue problems DescDetail: << ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems. It began at Rice university: The arpack-ng project is a joint project between Debian, Octave and Scilab in order to provide a common and maintained version of arpack. Because no single release has been published by Rice university for the last decade and since many software packages (Octave, Scilab, R, Matlab...) have forked it and implemented their own modifications, arpack-ng aims to tackle this issue by providing a common repository and maintained version. << DescUsage: << This package contains static libraries, an unversioned dylib, Fortran examples, and documentation. << BuildDependsOnly: true Homepage: License: BSD Source:{Ni}/files/%{Ni}_%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: f773f34079a9c24807da6bc2e72fe6df SourceDirectory: arpack-ng-%v BuildDepends: << (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) atlas (>=3.10.1-1), (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) lapack%type_pkg[lapack], gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-compiler, (%type_raw[-mpi] = -mpi) openmpi-dev, fink (>=0.30.0) << Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r ) Conflicts: << %{Ni}, %{Ni}-atlas, %{Ni}-ref, %{Ni}-mpi, %{Ni}-mpi-atlas, %{Ni}-mpi-ref, arpack, arpack-atlas << Replaces: << %{Ni}, %{Ni}-atlas, %{Ni}-ref, %{Ni}-mpi, %{Ni}-mpi-atlas, %{Ni}-mpi-ref, arpack, arpack-atlas << PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev perl -pi -e 's|force_load,|force_load |g' configure # tweak the .pc file case "%type_raw[-blas]" in -ref) subst="s|-lblas -latlas|-L%p/lib/lapack/%type_raw[lapack] -lrefblas -lreflapack|" ;; -atlas) subst="s/-lblas -latlas/-ltatlas/" ;; *) subst="s/-lblas -latlas/-Wl,framework,Accelerate/" ;; esac perl -pi -e "$subst" << SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs ConfigureParams: << (%type_raw[-blas] = .) --with-blas='-Wl,-framework,Accelerate' \ (%type_raw[-blas] = .) --with-lapack='-Wl,-framework,Accelerate' \ (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) --with-blas='-ltatlas' \ (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) --with-lapack='-ltatlas' \ (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) --with-blas='-L%p/lib/lapack/%type_raw[lapack] -lrefblas' \ (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) --with-lapack='-L%p/lib/lapack/%type_raw[lapack] -lreflapack' \ --libdir=%p/lib/%{Ni}%type_pkg[-blas] \ (%type_raw[-mpi] = -mpi) --enable-mpi \ --disable-static << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export F77=%p/bin/gfortran-fsf-%type_raw[gcc] if [ "%type_raw[-mpi]" = "-mpi" ] ; then export MPIF77=%p/bin/mpif77 libs=`PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%p/lib/openmpi/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs ompi-f77 | cut -d\ -f2- ` export LIBS=$libs export LDFLAGS="-L%p/lib/openmpi $LDFLAGS" fi if [ "%type_raw[-blas]" = "." ] then export FFLAGS='-ff2c' fi %{default_script} << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make install DESTDIR=%d # manually install headers mkdir -p %i/include/arpack cp SRC/*.h %i/include/arpack pushd %i/lib # move .la and .pc files mv arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/pkgconfig . mv arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/*.la . # put in compatibility symlinks ln -s arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/libarpack.dylib if [ "%type_raw[-mpi]" = "-mpi" ] # For -mpi variant only: # put in compatibility symlink then ln -s arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/libparpack.dylib popd # copy PARPACK docs manually mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/PARPACK cp -r PARPACK_CHANGES %i/share/doc/%n/ cp -r PARPACK/EXAMPLES %i/share/doc/%n/PARPACK fi << DocFiles: CHANGES DOCUMENTS EXAMPLES README TODO COPYING DescPackaging: << Needs a gfortran; we're going with gcc48. Needs -ff2c when using Accelerate.framework, but not when using ATLAS or the reference LAPACK. We can actually disable parpack now. Only copy the PARPACK docs for the -mpi variants. As of 3.1.3-3: stash libraries in a variant-specific directory to avoid dependency deadlocks amongst the shlibs. << Splitoff: << Package: %N-shlibs Files: lib/arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/lib*arpack.2.dylib Shlibs: << %p/lib/arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/libarpack.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>=3.1.3-3) (%type_raw[-mpi] = -mpi) %p/lib/arpack-ng%type_pkg[-blas]/libparpack.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>=3.1.3-1) << Depends: << (%type_raw[-blas] = -atlas) atlas-shlibs (>=3.10.1-1), (%type_raw[-blas] = -ref) lapack%type_pkg[lapack]-shlibs, (%type_raw[-mpi] = -mpi) openmpi-shlibs, gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs << Conflicts: arpack-ng-mpi%type_pkg[-blas]-shlibs Replaces: arpack-ng-mpi%type_pkg[-blas]-shlibs DescDetail: << This package contains the shared libraries. << DocFiles: COPYING << <<