Package: cwp-su Version: 38 Revision: 1 Architecture: i386, powerpc Source: Source-MD5: 6e880416c84047ee94b9f2175b46685d SourceDirectory: src BuildDepends: lesstif, g77, fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: lesstif-shlibs PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: e72bedecb49b3a03af70f8a58ec06b26 PatchScript: << sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 # on 10.6, /usr/lib/libutil.dylib wins over the local libutil.a perl -pi -e 's|-lutil|\$\(CWPROOT\)/lib/libutil.a|g' comp/dct/main/Makefile << UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: << make -w install CWPROOT=%b/.. # This command has been changed in the makefile via patch # Otherwise the rule is ignored because a directory Xtcwp exists, which kill xtinstall make -w xtinstall CWPROOT=%b/.. make -w finstall CWPROOT=%b/.. # Need to patch for GLUT/glut.h and clash with par.o _err #make mglinstall CWPROOT=%b/.. make -w xminstall CWPROOT=%b/.. make -w sfremake CWPROOT=%b/.. make -w utils CWPROOT=%b/.. << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/%n cp -rp ../bin %i/lib/%n mkdir %i/bin (cd %i/bin && ln -s ../lib/%n/bin/* .) # we really do not want these in bin... they clash # so delete the symbolic links rm %i/bin/pscontour rm %i/bin/psimage # replace is in mysql rm %i/bin/replace rm %i/bin/Grep # Programs that clash with gmt (cd %i/bin && ln -s ../lib/%n/bin/psimage _psimage) (cd %i/bin && ln -s ../lib/%n/bin/pscontour _pscontour) mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -rp doc/* %i/share/doc/%n/ # Used by sukeyword -o mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/include cp -p su/include/segy.h %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/include # Used by suhelp mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/cwp/main cp cwp/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/cwp/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/par/main cp par/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/par/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/main cp su/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/tri/main cp tri/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/tri/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/tetra/main cp tetra/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/tetra/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/xtri cp xtri/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/xtri mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/xplot/main cp xplot/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/xplot/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/Xtcwp/main cp Xtcwp/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/Xtcwp/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/Xmcwp/main cp Xmcwp/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/Xmcwp/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/graphics/xplot cp su/graphics/xplot/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/graphics/xplot mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/psplot/main cp psplot/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/psplot/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/graphics/psplot cp su/graphics/psplot/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/graphics/psplot mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dwpt/1d/main cp comp/dwpt/1d/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dwpt/1d/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dwpt/2d/main cp comp/dwpt/2d/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dwpt/2d/main mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dct/main cp comp/dct/main/*.c %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/comp/dct/main # SCRIPTS mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/cwp/shell cp cwp/shell/*.sh %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/cwp/shell mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/par/shell cp par/shell/*.sh %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/par/shell mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/psplot/shell cp psplot/shell/*.sh %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/psplot/shell mkdir -p %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/shell cp su/shell/*.sh %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/shell # sigh. This should be doc cp -r faq %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/ mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d echo "export CWPROOT='%p/lib/%n/bin'" > %i/etc/profile.d/ echo "setenv CWPROOT '%p/lib/%n/bin'" > %i/etc/profile.d/cwp-su.csh chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/cwp-su.{sh,csh} << DocFiles: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LEGAL_STATEMENT LICENSE_%v_ACCEPTED MAILHOME_%v README_GETTING_STARTED README_TO_INSTALL Portability/README_MAC_OS_X Description: Seismic Unix - Seismic data processing tools DescDetail: << The CWP Free Codes are intended to be an "instant seismic research environment" and, in fact, represent a large part of our day-to-day working environment at the Center for Wave Phenomena. << DescPort: << The web page for cwp-su lists the URL as: but this seems to be a cranky ftp server. Had to rename a couple binaries: pscontour and psimage to not conflict with gmt. replace was renamed so as to not conflict with mysql. Don't know why it as its own "Grep" program, but renamed that too. Using an '_' to prefex these. "su" is a bad choice since there are already "su" prefixed versions of these programs. su really wants to live in its own little universe, but that does not follow with the fink style (and causes users to write really unportable scripts!) %i/lib/cwp-su/bin/src/su/include/segy.h is used by sukeywords and nothing is supposed to build against cwp-su, so do NOT put it in %i/include Would be nice to eventually crank up the optimization! It's only -O right now. For a package that does so much crunching, this seems crazy Revision 5 notes: Working to get more of the graphics and help programs running correctly. Adds Xtcwp and xplot. Still need to work on a patch for the mglinstall programs. This version introduces installing source files that various help programs look for in order to tell the user what kinds of programs are available. This is unlike any other system I've ever scene. Pretty crazy, but it works. suhelp and sukeyword work now. Thanks to those who provided bug reports and testing! Eventually we will hit 100%. << License: Restrictive/Distributable Homepage: Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr