Info2: << Package: geometry-oct343 Version: 1.4.1 Type: oct (3.4.3), forge (geometry), gcc (4.6) Revision: 5 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Homepage: Description: Library for geometric computing in Octave DescDetail: << Library for geometric computing extending MatGeom functions. Useful to create, transform, manipulate and display geometric primitives. This package provides the following functions: Geometry 2D: angle2Points angle3Points angleAbsDiff angleDiff angles2d angleSort boxes2d cbezier2poly centroid clipEdge clipLine clipPoints clipRay createBasisTransform createHomothecy createLine createLineReflection createRay createRotation createScaling createTranslation deg2rad distancePoints drawBezierCurve drawBox drawEdge drawLine drawPoint drawRay edgeAngle fitAffineTransform2d intersectBoxes intersectLineEdge intersectLines isCounterClockwise isParallel isPerpendicular isPointOnEdge isPointOnRay lineAngle linePosition mergeBoxes midPoint minDistancePoints normalizeAngle normalizeVector pointOnLine points2d polarPoint rad2deg randomPointInBox rays2d rotateVector transformEdge transformLine transformPoint transforms2d transformVector vectorAngle vectorNorm vectors2d Input: svgload svgnormalize svgpath2polygon Output: data2geo << License: OSI-Approved BuildDepends: << liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-dev, fink-octave-scripts (>= 0.1.2), fftw3, hdf5.8 << Depends: << octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter, gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs << Conflicts: octave-forge Source: mirror:sourceforge:octave/%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d15a894ab334d88d1ac0f15ce3d664de SourceDirectory: %type_raw[forge] PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's|(dirname\s=\s)fileparts.*|$1"%p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/packages/%type_raw[forge]-%v";|' PKG_ADD PKG_DEL perl -pi -e 's|^(.*_folder\s=\s)|$1"%p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/packages/%type_raw[forge]-%v";|g' PKG_ADD << NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLIBRARY_PATH: /usr/X11R6/lib:%p/lib UseMaxBuildJobs: false BuildAsNobody: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export OCTAVE=%p/bin/octave-%type_raw[oct] pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge] ##### Invariant stuff begins here ##### %p/share/fink-octave-scripts/ %type_raw[forge] %v %type_raw[oct] %b %i $pkgsrc ./ << InstallScript: ./ PostInstScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ PreRmScript: %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]/ DescPackaging: << This package: Some files have a BSD license, and some have GPL3. The validator doesn't currently recognize this as an option. Patch to encode the proper paths for the .m files in Octave's internal path lookup. Common for all octave-forge packages: We read in postinst and prerm template scripts installed by octaveN and modify them to use the name of this package because Octave's package manager can't cope with non-literal arguments. The Type: forge (pkgname) is used to minimize what needs to be changed when using this .info file as a template, or when the package name contains underscores. << <<