# DISCLAIMER: Max Horn is the sole maintainer of this package. # Please DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATIONS without informing the maintainer. # Preferably, send a patch to me instead of making changes yourself! # If that is not possible due to extra urgency, at least send me a mail. # # Explanation: I am sick and tired of getting back to my packages and # discovering that people have messed with it. I am then forced to # retrace their steps, find out who, when and why did make a certain # change etc. -- i.e. it makes my life as maintainer harder. # Furthermore, as maintainer I am responsible for problems caused by my # packages. But I am not willing to take responsibility for something I # did not do. In particular, for changes that other people introduced # behind my back, no matter how good and noble their intentions were. As # such, I may see myself forced to drop responsibility for (and hence, # maintainership of) the affected package. Package: linbox0 Version: 1.2.2 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Max Horn BuildDepends: gmp5, ntl, givaro0, fflas-ffpack, atlas Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: True Source: http://linalg.org/linbox-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d2006e80dce15914708f72c748f86677 ConfigureParams: << --without-iml \ --without-m4ri \ --without-saclib \ --without-lidia \ --without-maple \ --with-default=%p << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL NEWS README TODO SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: gmp5-shlibs, givaro0-shlibs Files: lib/liblinbox.0.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/liblinbox.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.2.2-1) DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL NEWS README TODO << Description: C++ template library for linear algebra DescDetail: << LinBox is a C++ template library of routines for solution of linear algebra problems including linear system solution, rank, determinant, minimal polynomial, characteristic polynomial, and Smith normal form. Algorithms are provided for matrices with integer entries or entries in a finite field. In support of the algorithms, a good collection of finite field and ring implementations is available. Also there is provided a number of matrix storage types, especially for blackbox representation of sparse or structured matrix classes. A few algorithms for rational matrices are available. More for integer and rational matrices is planned for future releases. << Homepage: http://linalg.org License: LGPL