Info2: << Package: lpsolve-octave%type_pkg[octave] Version: Revision: 5 ## It is probably prudent to rev-up and change the next line whenever octave or lpsolve go to a new version ## (to quickly check things are OK after a change, run from within octave the files in %p/share/doc/lpsolve-octave%type_pkg[octave]/examples) Type: octave (3.6.0 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4), maj (5.5) BuildDepends: << fftw3, hdf5.8, libncurses5, lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-dev (>= %v-1), readline6, liboctave%type_pkg[octave]-dev, octave%type_pkg[octave]-interpreter << Depends: << lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (>= %v-1), liboctave%type_pkg[octave] << Conflicts: %{Ni} (<< Replaces: %{Ni} (<< Source: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_octave_source.tar.gz Source-MD5: b8ea22788d119bcd514d057a74f4c430 SourceDirectory: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj] PatchScript: << sed -i'' -e '/malloc\.h/d' */*/*/hash.c sed -i'' -e 's,\.\./\.\./\.\.,%p/include/lpsolve,' -e 's:\*\.o:& -Wl,-x -Wl,-dead_strip:' */*/*/ccc sed -i'' -e 's,liblpsolve%type_pkg[maj]\.so,%p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib,' */*/*/lp_explicit.h << CompileScript: echo '' InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd extra/octave/lpsolve sh -ev ccc mkdir -p %i/lib/octave/%type_raw[octave]/site/oct/%m-apple-darwin \ %i/share/octave/%type_raw[octave]/site/m %i/share/doc/%N/examples \ %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs ln -s ../%n %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs chmod a-x octlpsolve.oct cp -p octlpsolve.oct %i/lib/octave/%type_raw[octave]/site/oct/%m-apple-darwin cp -p {oct,lp_}*.m %i/share/octave/%type_raw[octave]/site/m cp -p {ex,lpd}*.m %i/share/doc/%N/examples << DocFiles: << */*/*/*.htm << Description: Octave-%type_raw[octave] interface to lpsolve DescPackaging: << AKH: Change the install locations to match the directory structure expected by our current octaveN packages. Put the octversion in the name of this package so that folks will know what Octave version they have installed the package for. We're only supporting Octave >= 3.6.0 because earlier versions publish many more flags (e.g. for whatever BLAS/LAPACK was used in building Octave). Rather than have a forest of variants, we'll not deal with that (for now). It cuts down on the deps, too. Does not appear actually to link to liblpsolve.M.N.dylib. My guess is that it is using the static liblpsolve*.a . We'll leave the Depends: lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs in case somebody decides to kill that static lib in the future--which should entail a revision bump in _this_ package. Thanks to JF Mertens for the past maintainership of this package. << DescUsage: << For doc on lpsolve, install lpsolve-extra and go to %p/share/doc/lpsolve-extra, or cf[maj]/ For doc on this interface from Octave, cf %p/share/doc/%n/Octave.htm << License: LGPL HomePage: Maintainer: None <<