Info2: << Package: simp-oct%type_pkg[oct] Version: 1.1.0 Type: oct (3.0.5 3.2.4 3.4.3 3.6.0 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4), forge (simp) Revision: 3 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen # unfortunately, Homepage won't do types Homepage: Description: Operations on intervals in Octave DescDetail: << This package defines basic operations on intervals. It is useful when some values for a computation are uncertain. It provides the following functions: addInt negateInt subInt mulInt invertInt invertAddInt divInt powerInt sqrInt sqrtInt addSqrInt engFormInt intFormInt dB10ToLinInt linToDB10Int dB20ToLinInt linToDB20Int valtol100ToInt intToTol intToTol100 intToVal linSpaceTol100Int logSpaceTol100Int monotonicFunctionInt functionInt plotInt errorBarInt << License: GPL3 # All octave-forge packages have to have the following BuildDepends: # octave%type_pkg[oct]-dev | octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, # fftw3, # ( %type_pkg[oct] = 305 ) hdf5.8-oldapi, # ( %type_pkg[oct] != 305 ) hdf5.8 # # Packages which serve only Octave-3.0.5 or only Octave > 3.0.5 need # not use the conditional, of course. BuildDepends: << liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, fftw3, ( %type_pkg[oct] = 305 ) hdf5.8-oldapi, ( %type_pkg[oct] != 305 ) hdf5.8 << Depends: octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter Conflicts: octave-forge Source-MD5: 701ea9ba7028ee55fa26d0391cade6e5 DescPackaging: << Common for all octave-forge packages. We read in postinst and prerm template scripts installed by octaveN and modify them to use the name of this package because Octave's package manager can't cope with non-literal arguments. The Type: forge (pkgname) is used to minimize what needs to be changed when using this .info file as a template, or when the package name contains underscores. << #### Insert required changes here #### #SourceDirectory: %type_pkg[forge] #@CHANGES@ ###################################### # Do not change anything from this point down, unless absolutely necessary, # since the foo-oct%type_pkg[oct] packages are designed to be built/installed # in the same way. Source: mirror:sourceforge:octave/Octave%%20Forge%%20Packages/R2009-05-08/%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar.gz NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLIBRARY_PATH: /usr/X11R6/lib:%p/lib UseMaxBuildJobs: false BuildAsNobody: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev if [ $UID -ne 0 ] then echo "%n cannot be built with --build-as-nobody" exit 1 fi export OCTAVE=%p/bin/octave-%type_raw[oct] # repack tarball, since octave-3.4.3 appears not to want to install # from directories if [ %type_pkg[oct] -ge 343 ] then cd .. tar -cf %type_raw[forge].tar %type_raw[forge]-%v cd %b pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge].tar else pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge]-%v fi %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/ $pkgsrc << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/ %type_raw[forge]-%v %i %b mkdir -p %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v # copy template scripts cp %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/octave-forge-prerm %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/octave-forge-postinst %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v cd %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v sed -i -e 's/@PKGNAME@/%type_raw[forge]-%v/' octave-forge-postinst sed -i -e 's/@PKGNAME@/%type_raw[forge]/' octave-forge-prerm chmod a+x octave-forge* << PostInstScript: << if [ -s %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages ] && [ -f %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages ] then `which xvfb-run` %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave-forge-postinst else mv %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/packages/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave_packages %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages fi << PreRmScript: `which xvfb-run` %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave-forge-prerm <<