Info2: << Package: video-oct%type_pkg[oct] Version: 1.0.2 Type: oct (3.0.5 3.2.4 3.4.3 3.6.0 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4), forge (video), gcc (4.6) Revision: 5 Maintainer: Alexander Hansen # unfortunately, Homepage won't do types Homepage: Description: FFmpeg interface for Octave DescDetail: << Implements addframe, avifile, aviinfo, and aviread, using ffmpeg. (and approximately conforms to the Matlab interface) This package provides the following functions: addframe avifile aviinfo aviread << License: BSD Source: mirror:sourceforge:octave/Octave%%20Forge%%20Packages/R2009-05-08/%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: e45e827ce5f409191aa9e9a61058e4ce # All octave-forge packages have to have the following BuildDepends: # octave%type_pkg[oct]-dev | octave%type_pkg[oct]-atlas-dev, # fftw3, # ( %type_pkg[oct] = 305 ) hdf5.8-oldapi, # ( %type_pkg[oct] != 305 ) hdf5.8 # # Packages which serve only Octave-3.0.5 or only Octave > 3.0.5 need # not use the conditional, of course. BuildDepends: << ( %type_pkg[oct] << 360 ) liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-dev, ( %type_pkg[oct] >= 360 ) liboctave%type_pkg[oct]-dev, fftw3, ( %type_pkg[oct] = 305 ) hdf5.8-oldapi, ( %type_pkg[oct] != 305 ) hdf5.8, libavcodec53-dev, libavformat53-dev, libavutil51-dev, libswscale2-dev, pkgconfig << Depends: << octave%type_pkg[oct]-interpreter, libavcodec53-shlibs, libavformat53-shlibs, libavutil51-shlibs, libswscale2-shlibs, ( %type_pkg[oct] << 360 ) gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs << Conflicts: octave-forge DescPackaging: << For this package: Numerous patches to use ffmpeg-0.8.4. Common for all octave-forge packages: We read in postinst and prerm template scripts installed by octaveN and modify them to use the name of this package because Octave's package manager can't cope with non-literal arguments. The Type: forge (pkgname) is used to minimize what needs to be changed when using this .info file as a template, or when the package name contains underscores. << #### Insert required changes here #### PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: b03ae588d822b2bc67489d93737bc582 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's|CODEC(_TYPE.*)|AVMEDIA$1|g ; \ s|av_alloc_format_context|avformat_alloc_context|g ; \ s|(PKT_FLAG_KEY)|AV_$1|g' \ src/ << SetCXXFLAGS: -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ###################################### # Do not change anything from this point down, unless absolutely necessary, # since the foo-oct%type_pkg[oct] packages are designed to be built/installed # in the same way. NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLIBRARY_PATH: /usr/X11R6/lib:%p/lib UseMaxBuildJobs: false BuildAsNobody: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev if [ $UID -ne 0 ] then echo "%n cannot be built with --build-as-nobody" exit 1 fi export OCTAVE=%p/bin/octave-%type_raw[oct] # repack tarball, since octave-3.4.3 appears not to want to install # from directories if [ %type_pkg[oct] -ge 343 ] then cd .. tar -cf %type_raw[forge]-%v.tar %type_raw[forge]-%v cd %b pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge]-%v.tar else pkgsrc=%type_raw[forge]-%v fi %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/ $pkgsrc << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/ %type_raw[forge]-%v %i %b mkdir -p %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v # copy template scripts cp %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/octave-forge-prerm %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/scripts/octave-forge-postinst %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v cd %i/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v sed -i -e 's/@PKGNAME@/%type_raw[forge]-%v/' octave-forge-postinst sed -i -e 's/@PKGNAME@/%type_raw[forge]/' octave-forge-prerm chmod a+x octave-forge* << PostInstScript: << if [ -s %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages ] && [ -f %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages ] then `which xvfb-run` %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave-forge-postinst else mv %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/packages/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave_packages %p/var/octave/%type_raw[oct]/octave_packages fi << PreRmScript: `which xvfb-run` %p/share/octave/%type_raw[oct]/%type_raw[forge]-%v/octave-forge-prerm <<