Info2: << Package: wxmaxima%type_pkg[-ui]%type_pkg[-standalone] Type: -ui (-mac), -standalone (boolean) Version: 13.04.2 Revision: 3 Description: Interface to Maxima using wxWidgets DescDetail: << wxMaxima is a cross platform GUI for the computer algebra system maxima based on wxWidgets. wxMaxima features include: * 2D formatted math display: wxMaxima implements its own math display engine to nicely display maxima output. * Menu system: most maxima commands are available through menus. Most used functions are also available through a button panel at below the input line. * Dialogs: commands which require more that one argument can be entered through dialogs so that there is no need to remember the exact syntax. * Command line history: the input line has command history and command completion based on previous input. * Create documents: text can be mixed with math calculations to create documents. See the howto ( for tips on how to use these features. Documents can be saved and edited again later. << DescUsage: << You can either use the app bundle in %p/Applications, which is symlinked in /Applications/Fink, or the "wxmaxima" command-line script. If you get a "Cannot connect to server" message on startup, quit and restart wxMaxima. If that doesn't work, try running "maxima" or "rmaxima" from the command-line, to see if you're getting an error message. Install 'wxmaxima-mac-standalone' if you don't want to install Fink's maxima. << Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Homepage: # Source: mirror:sourceforge:%{ni}/wxMaxima-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 52458cb8798a75d099623ed4259f997d # PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: d65056917122c01e5fc96d7cfb88db74 PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Generate Fink-specific executable wrapper sed -e 's,PREFIX,%p,' %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 # patch out hardcoded default app locations for the !-standalone variants if [ "x%type_pkg[-standalone]" = "x" ] ; then perl -pi.bak -e 's,/Applications/Maxima\.app,%p/bin/maxima,' src/Config.cpp src/wxMaxima.cpp perl -pi.bak -e 's,/Applications/,%p/bin/gnuplot,' src/wxMaxima.cpp fi << # Recommends: << (%type_raw[-standalone] = -standalone) maxima (>= 5.26.0-1), (%type_pkg[-ui] = -mac) xmaxima (>= 5.30.0-1), (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) xmaxima-x11 (>= 5.30.0-1) << Depends: << libxml2-shlibs, libiconv, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -mac) wxcocoa295-shlibs, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) wxgtk2.8-shlibs ( >= 2.8.4 ), (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) gtk+2-shlibs, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) glib2-shlibs << BuildDepends: << libxml2, libiconv-dev, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -mac) wxcocoa295, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) wxgtk2.8 ( >= 2.8.4 ), (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) gtk+2-dev, (%type_pkg[-ui] = -gtk) glib2-dev, fink-package-precedence, fink (>=0.32.0) << RuntimeDepends: << (%type_raw[-standalone] = .) maxima (>=5.30.0-1), (%type_raw[-standalone] = .) xmaxima (>=5.30.0-1) | (%type_raw[-standalone] = .) xmaxima-x11 (>=5.30.0-1), (%type_raw[-standalone] = .) gnuplot-bin << Conflicts: wxmaxima-mac, wxmaxima-gtk, wxmaxima-mac-standalone, wxmaxima-gtk-standalone Replaces: wxmaxima-mac, wxmaxima-gtk, wxmaxima-mac-standalone, wxmaxima-gtk-standalone Provides: wxmaxima GCC: 4.0 # ConfigureParams: << --with-wx-config=%p/bin/wx-config --with-xml-prefix=%p \ --enable-unicode-glyphs --enable-printing --enable-dnd << # CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence . mv cp wxmaxima.fink chmod a+x << InstallScript:<< #!/bin/sh -ev %{default_script} rm %i/bin/wxmaxima || echo "No %p/bin/wxmaxima" cp wxmaximabin %i/bin/wxmaxima chmod a+x %i/bin/wxmaxima << # AppBundles: DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README DescPackaging:<< Patch file installs a wrapper script in the .app bundle to insure that Fink's environment is used. We remove the %p/bin/wxmaxima application that upstream builds and replace it by a script using "open -a %p/Applications/" I've yet again turned off the -gtk variant because I can't even get it to work intermittently now. << License: GPL2 <<