Package: android-completion Version: 0.0.20111125 Revision: 1 Description: Bash completion rules for Android dev tools DescDetail: << This is a Bash completion script for the android, adb, and emulator command-line tools from the Google Android SDK. If you'd like to add completions for other Android tools, please let the author know. << Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner License: BSD Homepage: # Source: Source-MD5: d27e7d4b52f79a0f848ee1f21b92a585 SourceRename: mbrubeck-android-completion-8e206ee.tar.gz SourceDirectory: mbrubeck-android-completion-8e206ee # Depends: bash-completion BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) # CompileScript: echo %i InstallScript: << install -d %i/etc/bash_completion.d install -p -m0644 android %i/etc/bash_completion.d/ << # DocFiles: README.markdown