Package: cdparanoia Version: 3a9.8 Revision: 15 Source: SourceDirectory: %n-osx-5 Source-MD5: 26c82a4841567087b79318e1f72afc2e NoSetMAKEFLAGS: true SetMAKEFLAGS: -j1 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man Depends: libcdparanoia0-shlibs BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) DocFiles: FAQ.txt README GPL README.OSX Description: Audio extraction tool for sampling CDs DescDetail: << Unlike similar programs such as cdda2wav, cdparanoia goes to great lengths to try to extract the audio information without any artifacts such as jitter. << PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 71a93b28d71e22f3e9d14d8cf812060a PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's,scsi-commands/SCSITaskLib.h,scsi/SCSITaskLib.h,g' interface/*.h interface/*.c perl -pi -e 's,-O20,-O3,g' configure << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./configure %c DISTCC_HOSTS='' MAKEFLAGS='-j1' make << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mkdir %i/include/libcdparanoia mv %i/include/*.h %i/include/libcdparanoia << Splitoff: << Package: libcdparanoia0-shlibs Description: Shared libraries for cdparanoia (runtime lib) Files: lib/libcdda_*.0.* DocFiles: FAQ.txt README GPL README.OSX Shlibs: << %p/lib/libcdda_interface.0.dylib 9.8.0 libcdparanoia0-shlibs (>= 3a9.8-1) %p/lib/libcdda_paranoia.0.dylib 9.8.0 libcdparanoia0-shlibs (>= 3a9.8-1) << << Splitoff2: << Package: libcdparanoia0-dev Depends: libcdparanoia0-shlibs (= %v-%r) BuildDependsOnly: true Description: Development files needed to compile programs that use libcdparanoia. DocFiles: FAQ.txt README GPL README.OSX Files: include lib << DescPort: << dmacks (as of 3a9.8-15) with pogma's help... In xcode4 (and maybe others) cpp doesn't like foo({a,b,c}) when foo() is a macro (doesn't treat {} as a grouping, so thinks it's 3 parameters). And memcpy() is a compiler builtin. Move the {} array definition into a temp variable and pass the array address instead of passing a cast of the array itself. << DescPackaging: << Starting in 3a9.8-11, headers are in %p/include/libcdparanoia, not loose in %p/include, because some have generic names that are confusing other packages' build processes. << License: GPL Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki Homepage: