Package: tap-reverbed Version: r0 Revision: 2 Source: mirror:sourceforge:/tap-plugins/%n-%v.tar.gz HomePage: License: GPL Description: TAP reverb editor Source-MD5: f8b15df131b45d2d5ef2e8d7c34e9a29 Depends: << atk1-shlibs, cairo-shlibs, fontconfig2-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs (>=2.3.7-4), glib2-shlibs, gtk+2-shlibs, jack-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs (>=1.22.0-3), tap-plugins << BuildDepends: << atk1, cairo, fontconfig2-dev, freetype219 (>=2.3.7-4), glib2-dev, glitz, gtk+2-dev, jack-dev, libgettext8-dev, pango1-xft2-ft219-dev (>=1.22.0-3) << Suggests: tap-plugins-doc DocFiles: README COPYING Maintainer: Adrian Prantl DescDetail: << TAP Reverb Editor is the standalone JACK counterpart of the LADSPA plugin TAP Reverberator, which is part of the TAP-plugins LADSPA plugin set. This means that the two programs/plugins perform the same audio processing, but they have some advantages over each other: TAP Reverberator is a LADSPA plugin. It has limited capabilities with regard to the user interface (besides global plugin parameters, only the Reverb Type can be chosen; changing any internal parameter is not possible). On the other hand, it can be automated when used in powerful host programs such as Ardour. TAP Reverb Editor is a separate JACK application. It has its own special user interface that allows for changing any internal parameter on-the-fly, as well as plotting the impulse response of Reverb Types as a visual aid. On the other hand, it cannot be automated from other programs; its main use is to allow for developing one's own Reverb Types. Reverb Types created with this program can be easily 'exported' into the LADSPA version. (Easily means: you have to copy two files and re-compile TAP-plugins.) For a detailed description of this process, please refer to the manual. To get satisfactory results with TAP Reverb Editor, you will need to set your system up to run JACK well. See for details. This program relies on The GIMP Toolkit (GTK+) version 2.0. You need the GTK+-2.0 development libraries correctly installed to be able to compile. <<