Package: urw-fonts Version: 1.0.7pre44 Revision: 1 Description: Cyrillized free URW fonts License: GPL Maintainer: None Depends: fontconfig2-shlibs Source: Source-MD5: 51c6c2690593cd9bd92f197a6f2ff8bd NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: << echo 'nothing to compile' << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/share/fonts/%n cp -p *.afm *.pfb *.pfm fonts.* %i/share/fonts/%n << DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog README README.tweaks PostInstScript: << mkfontdir %p/share/fonts/%n %p/bin/fc-cache -fv %p/share/fonts << PostRmScript: << %p/bin/fc-cache -fv %p/share/fonts << Homepage: DescDetail: << These fonts were made from the free URW fonts distributed with ghostcript. There are NO changes in the latin part of them (I hope). Cyrillic glyphs were added by copying suitable latin ones and painting oulines of unique cyrillic glyphs in same style as the others. For all modification pfaedit was used. The license for result is (of course) same as for original fonts, i.e. GPL with an exception that you can put these fonts in your own non-GPLed documents. <<