Package: dvdauthor Version: 0.6.14 Revision: 4 ### Depends: bzip2-shlibs, lcms-shlibs, libjpeg8-shlibs, libgnugetopt-shlibs, imagemagick1-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs, libtiff-shlibs, libpng14-shlibs, fribidi-shlibs (>= 0.19.2-1), libdvdread.3-shlibs, libiconv, libxml2-shlibs BuildDepends: bzip2-dev, lcms, libjpeg8, libgnugetopt, imagemagick1-dev, freetype219, libtiff, libpng14, fribidi (>= 0.19.2-1), fribidi-dev (>= 0.19.2-1), libdvdread.3, libiconv-dev, libxml2, pkgconfig, fink-package-precedence ### Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: bd646b47950c4091ffd781d43fd2c5e9 ### PatchScript: << # these fribidi tokens were removed (and the function they # involve is obsolete in that lib), but the typedef is # equivalent to int and they appear to be used as standard # boolean flags. perl -pi -e 's/FRIBIDI_TRUE/1/g' src/subreader.c perl -pi -e 's/FRIBIDI_FALSE/0/g' src/subreader.c << ### ConfigureParams: --enable-dependency-tracking --with-pic -enable-shared --enable-static --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --libexecdir=%p/lib ac_cv_prog_FRIBIDICONFIG="%p/bin/pkg-config fribidi" ac_cv_prog_FREETYPECONFIG="%p/bin/pkg-config freetype2" ### DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TODO ### CompileScript: << ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence . << InstallScript: make -j1 install DESTDIR="%d" ### Description: Tools to help with authoring a DVD DescDetail: << dvdauthor is a simple set of tools to help with authoring a DVD. It will eventually be able to create menus, buttons, and chapters, etc, but for now it takes an MPEG stream and writes it to DVD. << DescPackaging: << dmacks upgraded some dependency tests to use their modern .pc equivalent to older *-config scripts << ### License: GPL Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett Homepage: