Info2: << GCC: 4.0 Package: kodos Version: 2.4.9 Revision: 3 Description: Python visual regular expression debugger DescDetail: << GUI for creating, testing, and debugging regular expressions in Python. To use this program execute /sw/bin/ from within an xterm window. This program was written by the author of and facilitates writing the regexes used there. Known issues: Python Regex Help, Regex Library, and Help do not work (but everything else does). << DescPackaging: << This is a small program written in python, not a python library, so the -pyXX variant system is not required for this package. Author: Phil Schwartz Originally packaged for fink by Kurt Schwehr << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Robert Wyatt Depends: python26, pyqt-py26, sip-py26-bin Type: python (2.6) Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d608c8b3484667d3a82ba6dfe29bb18d PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's|/usr/share|%p/share|g' << CompileScript: << echo Skipping build << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d # FIX: mv help into docs # mv bin/[python] << DocFiles: LICENSE.txt CHANGELOG.txt PKG-INFO README.txt # Info2 <<