Package: osxutils Version: 1.7 Revision: 1 License: GPL Replaces: lsmac HomePage: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%v/ Source-MD5: 7f404befd8909fa4b06adcd71c5afe22 SourceDirectory: %n DocFiles: CHANGES.txt Description: Mac-specific command-line file utilities DescDetail: << osxutils is a package of potentially useful Mac-oriented command-line utilities for Mac OS X. These tools represent an effort to bring command-line control over certain aspects of the Mac OS, particularly file meta-data such as Finder flags, heritage file Type and Creator codes, icons, comments, labels and suffixes / file extensions. << DescPackaging: << - Fix 64-bit compilation. - Completely rewrite 'trash' so it doesn't produce filenames like 'foo copy 1 copy 1 copy 1'. - Getting OS 9 comments doesn't seem to work on 10.5 and higher, so make it just print a warning. - The wsupdate command is probably unnecessary on 10.4 and higher, since the Finder now watches for directory update notifications. But perhaps there's still some situation in which it's useful, so keep it around. - Use update-alternatives to resolve conflict with surfraw. Previous version maintained by Carsten Klapp. << BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: d79489e3684784704572c7a9e76cb146 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev for d in fileinfo getfcomment hfsdata lsmac mkalias setfcomment setfctypes setfflags setlabel setsuffix; do pushd $d gcc -fpascal-strings -framework Carbon -o $d *.c popd done for d in geticon seticon wsupdate; do pushd $d gcc -fpascal-strings -framework Cocoa -o $d *.m popd done << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/bin for d in *; do if [ "$d" != osxutils -a -f "$d/$d" ]; then cp "$d/$d" %i/bin fi done mv %i/bin/google %i/bin/google-osxutils << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/bin/google google %p/bin/google-osxutils -10 << PreRmScript: if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then update-alternatives --remove google %p/bin/google-osxutils; fi Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky