Package: pstree Version: 2.32 Revision: 1 Source: ftp://ftp.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/pub/source/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: ba6e274e06d63910cf9bb8664b932808 NoSourceDirectory: true SetCFLAGS: -Os CompileScript: << make CC=gcc %n head -n 4 %n.c >LICENSE << InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -m 755 %n %i/bin << DocFiles: README LICENSE Description: Show 'ps' process list as hierarchical tree DescDetail: << pstree is a small program that shows the process-listing as a tree (as the name implies), akin to the Activity Monitor's hierarchical process view in 10.3. It has several options to make selection criteria and to change the output style. << License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Carsten Klapp Originally packaged by Masanori Sekino. << Homepage: