Package: rdiffweb Version: 0.3.5 Revision: 1002 Description: Web interface to rdiff-backup repositories License: GPL # Dependencies: Depends: python27, cherrypy-py27 (>= 2.1.0-1), librsync-shlibs (>= 0.9.7-1002), mysql-python-py27, rdiff-backup (>= 1.1.9) # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: cb4fe0b67eb4a4b08c1732934758d852 SourceDirectory: rdiffWeb-%v # Patch Phase PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's|/etc|%p/etc|g' rdiff-web-config init/rdiff-web rdiffWeb/ perl -pi -e 's|/usr/bin|%p/bin|g;' -e 's|/var/run|%p/var/run|g' init/rdiff-web << # Compile Phase: CompileScript: %p/bin/python2.7 build # Install Phase: InstallScript: << %p/bin/python2.7 install --root=%d touch %i/etc/rdiffweb/rdw.conf echo "Please consult the package usage notes via 'fink desc %n'." > README.fink << DocFiles: COPYING PKG-INFO README.fink ConfFiles: %p/etc/rdiffweb/rdw.conf DescDetail: << rdiffWeb is a web interface for browsing and restoring from rdiff-backup repositories. It is written in Python and is distributed under the GPL license. << DescUsage: << Run the %p/bin/rdiff-web-config script with root privileges to help generate the %p/etc/rdiffweb/rdw.conf configuration file. You may then execute the %p/etc/init.d/rdiff-web script with root privileges to start the %p/bin/rdiff-web http daemon on the default port, 8080. Consult the rdiffWeb home page for further documentation. << DescPackaging: << Patches files to save rdw.conf in %p/etc/rdiffweb rather than /etc/rdiffweb << Maintainer: Ojas Parekh Homepage: