Package: smartpm Version: 1.2 Revision: 1 License: GPL Maintainer: Anders F Bjorklund Description: Smart Package Manager Source: Source-MD5: 233ccbd1e666a9a7c5e1cc7900075d93 Depends: python26 Suggests: pygtk2-gtk-py26, gksu BuildDepends: gettext-tools, fink (>= 0.24.12) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: f2cf6f62898b2df0a45ade549e309f42 PatchScript: << sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p0 << CompileScript: << %p/bin/python2.6 build << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -xe %p/bin/python2.6 install --root=%d mkdir -p %i/lib/smart cat < %i/lib/smart/ if not sysconf.getReadOnly(): if not sysconf.has("sync-apt-sources"): sysconf.set("sync-apt-sources", True, weak=True) if not sysconf.has("detect-sys-channels"): sysconf.set("detect-sys-channels", "deb", weak=True) EOF mkdir -p %i/etc/smart/channels mkdir -p %i/var/lib/smart << DescDetail: << The Smart Package Manager project has the ambitious objective of creating smart and portable algorithms for solving adequately the problem of managing software upgrading and installation. This tool works in all major distributions (APT, APT-RPM, YUM, URPMI, etc). << HomePage: