Package: zeroinstall-injector Version: 1.5 Revision: 1 License: LGPL Maintainer: Anders F Bjorklund Description: The Zero Install Injector (0launch) Source: mirror:sourceforge:zero-install/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: a1e0291183520875704386ddbc22cc5d Depends: python26, gnupg, pygobject2-py26 Recommends: pygtk2-gtk-py26 Suggests: gksu BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), gettext-tools PatchScript: << perl -pi -e "s|'man/man1'|'share/man/man1'|" << CompileScript: << %p/bin/python2.6 build << InstallScript: << %p/bin/python2.6 install --root=%d perl -pi -e "s|/usr/bin/env python|%p/bin/python2.6|" \ %i/lib/python2.6/site-packages/zeroinstall/0launch-gui/0launch-gui << DocFiles: COPYING DescDetail: << The Zero Install Injector makes it easy for users to install software without needing root privileges. It takes the URL of a program and runs it (downloading it first if necessary). Any dependencies of the program are fetched in the same way. The user controls which version of the program and its dependencies to use. << HomePage: