Package: wmglobe Version: 1.3 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: e8907d7458ed0df226102afb3ea02e27 Depends: windowmaker-shlibs BuildDepends: windowmaker-dev, giflib, libpng14, libjpeg8, libtiff, x11-dev, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 3962066067e9df912f21ebe20f0a321e CompileScript: << make prefix=%p << InstallScript: << install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -m 755 wmglobe %i/bin/wmglobe install -d -m 755 %i/share/man/man1/ install -c -m 644 wmglobe.1 %i/share/man/man1/wmglobe.1 << DocFiles: COPYING README CHANGES # Description: Applet for WindowMaker with revolving earth DescDetail: << WMGlobe displays a rotating image of the earth in a dock applet. WMGlobe is an adaption of XGlobe for the WindowMaker environment. << DescPackaging: << Previous versions by David Bacher . << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: None