Package: xinitrc Version: 1.5 Revision: 2 Description: X11 initialization script handler Source: Source-MD5: 3bf8a01cfbdaed6e44bd30e18a32e194 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 28411818dff4c291d441662909cecde4 License: Public Domain Maintainer: AIDA Shinra Depends: x11 CompileScript: sh ./ prefix=%p build InstallScript: sh ./ prefix=%p destdir=%d install PostInstScript: update-sys-xinitrc postinst DescDetail: << The xinitrc package provides a Fink-controlled mechanism by which Fink packages can have executables run, environment variables set, etc., at X11 startup, by running wrapper scripts in %p/etc/xinitrc.d. On a stock X11 this can be done via scripts in /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d , but for Fink packages this would entail installing files outside of the Fink tree, which is normally forbidden. In addition, 'xinitrc' provides well-defined points for system administrators to set up the X11 environment as they require. Consult the following files for more information: %p/share/doc/xinitrc/numbering.txt %p/share/doc/xinitrc/README.txt Note: This package installs its own /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, though it renames the original version installed the system so that it isn't lost. Note: This package will need to be reinstalled every time X11 is updated, including OS updates. << DescUsage: << Packages that need xinitrc's functionality should install a sh script named '%p/etc/xinitrc.d/', where XY should follow the convention in %p/share/doc/xinitrc/numbering.txt, and 'foo' can refer to the package, executable, or some other unique name. The contents of the script should either terminate or run in the background so that the X11 startup will proceed normally and e.g. run a window manager. << DescPackaging: << 1.5-2: source /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ in so that users don't experience a change in behavior when installing the package. Currently we just patch that in. Anybody backporting to 10.4 will require a different patch, as per the 10.4 section of <<