Package: xv Version: 3.10a Revision: 30 #Maintainer: Eric Lee Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12-1), fink-package-precedence, libjasper.1, libjpeg8, libpng14, libtiff, x11-dev << Depends: << ghostscript, libjasper.1-shlibs, libjpeg8-shlibs, libpng14-shlibs, libtiff-shlibs, x11 << # main program, long-unattended upstream Source: mirror:custom:xv-%v.tar.gz CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: << Source-MD5: 2d4fbeec1561304362781cc8e2f7f72d # large 3rd-party patchset, used in fink up to xv-3.10a-24 #Source2: #Source2: mirror:master:/xv-3.10a+jp-extension-rev5.3.3+FLmask.v2.1+png+misc.patch.gz #Source2-MD5: f627d0d86b7c948f0b5e389e53271883 no longer hosts the patchfile we need, but opendarwin has it. #kurt is also hosting a copy at: # #^--no longer using this patch set # semi-regularly-updated 3rd-party patchset, fink xv-3.10a-25 is jumbo-20070520 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:png-mng/xv-3.10a-jumbo-patches-20070520.tar.gz Source2-MD5: 9fb2d0ec320498105cafeba38a588472 #Source3: #^-- incorporated into .patch PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 149800a45bab1f2d8e5cfc2041f7222d PatchScript: << # first apply public 3rd-party stuff # gunzip --stdout ../xv-3.10a+jp-extension-rev5.3.3+FLmask.v2.1+png+misc.patch.gz | patch -p1 patch -p1 < ../xv-3.10a-jumbo-fix-enh-patch-20070520.txt # then other stuff patch -p1 < %{PatchFile} # perl -pi -e 's,/usr/local,%p,' Makefile perl -pi -e 's,^(TIFF|JPEG|PNG|JP2K)DIR = .*,\1DIR = %p,' Makefile << CompileScript: << make PREFIX=%p fink-package-precedence --depfile-ext='\.d' . << InstallScript: make install PREFIX=%p DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: docs/* Description: Image viewer DescDetail: << xv is an interactive image manipulation program for the X Window System. It can operate on images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, X11 bitmap, Sun Rasterfile, Targa, RLE, RGB, BMP, PCX, FITS, PM, PM, MAG, PIC, MAKI, PI and PICS formats on all known types of X displays. It can generate PostScript files, and if you have ghostscript (version 2.6 or above) installed on your machine, it can also display them. << DescPackaging: << Fink's xv-3.10a-24 is a concatenation of many patches: Fixes for huge patch file by Remi Mommsen Maintained through 3.10a-24 by Eric Lee, dmacks now surrogate parent. SourceN patches are semi-official public stuff: Fink's xv-3.10a-24.1 and -25 is 20070520 from Fink's package revision 29 also includes: in xv.patch Patched Makefile to use Fink's graphics-libs Patched xv.h and vdcomp.c to understand darwin headers Should re-incorporate parts of old .patch suite...eventually... Upgrade libpng support for runtime version introspection. Fix some libpng14 deprecation warnings. These became errors in libpng15 (cannot upgrade dep until all fixed). << License: Restrictive Homepage: