
mariadb55 - Package that installs mariadb55

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN,
This is the main package for mariadb55 Software Collection, which installs
necessary packages to use MariaDB 5.5 server, a community developed branch
of MySQL. Software Collections allow to install more versions of the same
package by using alternative directory structure.
Install this package if you want to use MariaDB 5.5 server on your system.


mariadb55-1.1-17.el6.i686 [4 KiB] Changelog by Honza Horak (2014-03-28):
- Include LICENSE also in -build package
  Related: #1072482
mariadb55-1-7.el6.i686 [3 KiB] Changelog by Honza Horak (2013-06-10):
- Add CPATH variable to enable script
  Resolves: #971808
- Define and restore SELinux context of log file
  Resolves: #971380

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6