Compilation of the executables ought be as easy as make EndNote2bib dosToTex r2bib EndNoteTag make wileyEndNoteFilt ansel2uni risDateAdj as supported by the Makefile template, see make(1). These programs are independent. If compilation of one or more of these fails --for example because lex(1) or flex(1) are not installed on your system--, the others can still be compiled and run individually. Alternatively the gcc compiler and/or lex compilers can be used, in the minimalistic cases without optimization similar to: cc -o EndNote2bib EndNote2bib.c cc -o dosToTex dosToTex.c cc -o r2bib r2bib.c c++ -o EndNoteTag EndNoteTag.C In particular, some tuning of the behavior of ansel2uni(1) is only supported by running lex(1) and cc(1) separately, using preprocessor options for the later. The man(1) pages ought be copied to man/man1 directories that are in the MANPATH: echo $MANPATH install *.1 -t ..../man/man1 Otherwise they can be looked at in the style of nroff(1) through a pager, nroff -man EndNote2bib.1 | less nroff -man EndNoteTag.1 | less nroff -man risDateAdj.1 | less nroff -man wileyEndNoteFilt.1 | less nroff -man ansel2uni.1 | less nroff -man dosToTex.1 | less nroff -man r2bib.1 | less