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GIFBitmap Member List

This is the complete list of members for GIFBitmap, including all inherited members.

allocBitmap_BitmapImage [protected]
bg_BitmapImage [protected]
bitmap_BitmapImage [protected]
BitmapImage(const int w, const int h, const int bpp=1)BitmapImage
bitmapRows_BitmapImage [protected]
bpp_BitmapImage [protected]
fg_BitmapImage [protected]
fileExtension() constGIFBitmap [inline, virtual]
firstBitmapImageFormat()BitmapImage [static]
formatsBitmapImage [protected, static]
FURTHERINFO enum valueBitmapImage
furtherinfoBitmapImage [protected, static]
GIFBitmap(const int w, const int h, const int bpp=1)GIFBitmap
h_BitmapImage [protected]
infoFields enum nameBitmapImage
INPUTFILENAME enum valueBitmapImage
inputfilenameBitmapImage [protected, static]
isTransparent_BitmapImage [protected]
iterator_indexBitmapImage [protected, static]
myBitmap_BitmapImage [protected]
newBitmapImage(const string format, const int w, const int h, const int bpp=1)BitmapImage [static]
nextBitmapImageFormat()BitmapImage [static]
nformatsBitmapImage [protected, static]
setBitmap(const Byte *b)GIFBitmap
setBitmapRow(const Byte *b)GIFBitmap
setInfo(const infoFields which, const string *s)BitmapImage [static]
setRGB(const bool fg, const Bitmap::BitmapColour *rgb)BitmapImage [inline]
setTransparent(const bool sw)BitmapImage [inline]
softwareversionBitmapImage [protected, static]
SOFTWAREVERSION enum valueBitmapImage
supportedBitmapImage(const string format)BitmapImage [static]
verbosity(const verbosities level)BitmapImage [inline, static]
verbosity_BitmapImage [protected, static]
w_BitmapImage [protected]
write(const string filename)GIFBitmap [virtual]
~BitmapImage()BitmapImage [virtual]

Generated on Sun Aug 21 18:21:07 2005 for dvi2bitmap by doxygen 1.3.8