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PkFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for PkFont, including all inherited members.

backSpace() constPkFont [inline]
checksum() constPkFont [inline]
designSize() constPkFont [inline]
dpiBase()PkFont [inline, static]
dpiScaled() constPkFont [inline]
fontFilename() constPkFont [inline]
fontgenCommand() constPkFont
glyph(unsigned int i) constPkFont [inline]
hppp() constPkFont [inline]
loaded() constPkFont [inline]
magnification(bool includeDviMag=true) constPkFont
name() constPkFont [inline]
PkFont(double fontmag, unsigned int c, unsigned int s, unsigned int d, string name)PkFont
quad() constPkFont [inline]
scale() constPkFont [inline]
seenInDoc(void) constPkFont [inline]
setFontgen(bool doit)PkFont [static]
setFontgenCommand(string command_template)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchCommand(string cmd)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchCommand(char *cmd)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchCommand(bool yesno)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchKpse(bool yesno)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchPath(string fp)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchPath(char *fp)PkFont [static]
setFontSearchPath(bool yesno)PkFont [static]
setMissingFontMode(string mode)PkFont [inline, static]
setResolution(int res)PkFont [inline, static]
setSeenInDoc(void)PkFont [inline]
substitute_font_string(const string fmt, const string mode, const string fontname, const int dpi, const int basedpi, const double magnification)PkFont [static]
verbosity(const verbosities level)PkFont [static]
vppp() constPkFont [inline]
wordSpace() constPkFont [inline]

Generated on Sun Aug 21 18:21:09 2005 for dvi2bitmap by doxygen 1.3.8