%%% This file is part of the French Cursive font definition. %%% This is a parameter file for the fixed-thickness variant font_identifier := "FRCF"; font_size 14.4 pt#; mode_setup; ex# := 223.20/36 pt#; med# := .576 pt#; thin# := .576 pt#; thick# := .576 pt#; dot_size# := 1.152 pt#; base_width := .754; slant := 0; accent_wd := 0.7; link_width := 0.13; straight_ascend := 2; loop_ascend := 2.5; uc_ascend := 2.5; straight_descend := 1.2; loop_descend := 1.5; dot_height := 1.4; accent_bot := 1.2; accent_top := 1.6; cedilla_dp = 0.2; def penstroke text t = begingroup save e; def e = enddef; draw t withpen pencircle scaled med; endgroup enddef; input frcursive