/***** * application.cc * Andy Hammerlindl 2005/05/20 * * An application is a matching of arguments in a call expression to formal * parameters of a function. Since the language allows default arguments, * keyword arguments, rest arguments, and anything else we think of, this * is not a simple mapping. *****/ #include "application.h" #include "exp.h" #include "coenv.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "runarray.h" using namespace types; using absyntax::varinit; using absyntax::arrayinit; using absyntax::arglist; namespace trans { // Lower scores are better. Packed is added onto the other qualifiers so // we may score both exact and casted packed arguments. const score FAIL=0, EXACT=1, CAST=2; const score PACKED=2; bool castable(env &e, formal& target, formal& source) { return target.Explicit ? equivalent(target.t,source.t) : e.castable(target.t,source.t, symbol::castsym); } score castScore(env &e, formal& target, formal& source) { return equivalent(target.t,source.t) ? EXACT : (!target.Explicit && e.castable(target.t,source.t, symbol::castsym)) ? CAST : FAIL; } void restArg::transMaker(coenv &e, Int size, bool rest) { // Push the number of cells and call the array maker. e.c.encode(inst::intpush, size); e.c.encode(inst::builtin, rest ? run::newAppendedArray : run::newInitializedArray); } void restArg::trans(coenv &e, temp_vector &temps) { // Push the values on the stack. for (mem::list<arg *>::iterator p = inits.begin(); p != inits.end(); ++p) (*p)->trans(e, temps); if (rest) rest->trans(e, temps); transMaker(e, (Int)inits.size(), (bool)rest); } class maximizer { app_list l; // Tests if x is as good (or better) an application as y. bool asgood(application *x, application *y) { // Matches to open signatures are always worse than matches to normal // signatures. if (x->sig->isOpen) return y->sig->isOpen; else if (y->sig->isOpen) return true; assert (x->scores.size() == y->scores.size()); // Test if each score in x is no higher than the corresponding score in // y. return std::equal(x->scores.begin(), x->scores.end(), y->scores.begin(), std::less_equal<score>()); } bool better(application *x, application *y) { return asgood(x,y) && !asgood(y,x); } // Add an application that has already been determined to be maximal. // Remove any other applications that are now not maximal because of its // addition. void addMaximal(application *x) { app_list::iterator y=l.begin(); while (y!=l.end()) if (better(x,*y)) y=l.erase(y); else ++y; l.push_front(x); } // Tests if x is maximal. bool maximal(application *x) { for (app_list::iterator y=l.begin(); y!=l.end(); ++y) if (better(*y,x)) return false; return true; } public: maximizer() {} void add(application *x) { if (maximal(x)) addMaximal(x); } app_list result() { return l; } }; void application::initRest() { types::formal& f=sig->getRest(); if (f.t) { types::array *a=dynamic_cast<types::array *>(f.t); if(!a) vm::error("formal rest argument must be an array"); static symbol *null=0; rf=types::formal(a->celltype, null, false, f.Explicit); } if (f.t || sig->isOpen) { rest=new restArg(); } } //const Int REST=-1; const Int NOMATCH=-2; Int application::find(symbol *name) { formal_vector &f=sig->formals; for (size_t i=index; i<f.size(); ++i) if (f[i].name==name && args[i]==0) return (Int)i; return NOMATCH; } bool application::matchDefault() { if (index==args.size()) return false; else { formal &target=getTarget(); if (target.defval) { args[index]=new defaultArg(target.t); advanceIndex(); return true; } else return false; } } bool application::matchArgumentToRest(env &e, formal &source, varinit *a, size_t evalIndex) { if (rest) { score s=castScore(e, rf, source); if (s!=FAIL) { rest->add(seq.addArg(a, rf.t, evalIndex)); scores.push_back(s+PACKED); return true; } } return false; } bool application::matchAtSpot(size_t spot, env &e, formal &source, varinit *a, size_t evalIndex) { formal &target=sig->getFormal(spot); score s=castScore(e, target, source); if (s!=FAIL) { // The argument matches. args[spot]=seq.addArg(a, target.t, evalIndex); if (spot==index) advanceIndex(); scores.push_back(s); return true; } else return false; } bool application::matchArgument(env &e, formal &source, varinit *a, size_t evalIndex) { assert(source.name==0); if (index==args.size()) // Try to pack into the rest array. return matchArgumentToRest(e, source, a, evalIndex); else // Match here, or failing that use a default and try to match at the next // spot. return matchAtSpot(index, e, source, a, evalIndex) || (matchDefault() && matchArgument(e, source, a, evalIndex)); } bool application::matchNamedArgument(env &e, formal &source, varinit *a, size_t evalIndex) { assert(source.name!=0); Int spot=find(source.name); return spot!=NOMATCH && matchAtSpot(spot, e, source, a, evalIndex); } bool application::complete() { if (index==args.size()) return true; else if (matchDefault()) return complete(); else return false; } bool application::matchRest(env &e, formal &source, varinit *a) { // First make sure all non-rest arguments are matched (matching to defaults // if necessary). if (complete()) // Match rest to rest. if (rest) { formal &target=sig->getRest(); score s=castScore(e, target, source); if (s!=FAIL) { rest->addRest(new varinitArg(a, target.t)); scores.push_back(s); return true; } } return false; } bool application::matchSignature(env &e, types::signature *source, arglist &al) { formal_vector &f=source->formals; // First, match all of the named (non-rest) arguments. for (size_t i=0; i<f.size(); ++i) if (f[i].name) if (!matchNamedArgument(e, f[i], al[i].val, i)) return false; // Then, the unnamed. for (size_t i=0; i<f.size(); ++i) if (!f[i].name) if (!matchArgument(e, f[i], al[i].val, i)) return false; // Then, the rest argument. if (source->hasRest()) if (!matchRest(e, source->getRest(), al.rest.val)) return false; // Fill in any remaining arguments with their defaults. return complete(); } #if 0 application *application::matchHelper(env &e, application *app, signature *source) { return app->matchSignature(e, source) ? app : 0; } application *application::match(env &e, signature *target, signature *source) { application *app=new application(target); return matchHelper(e, app, source); } #endif bool application::matchOpen(env &e, signature *source, arglist &al) { assert(rest); // Pack all given parameters into the rest argument. formal_vector &f=source->formals; for (size_t i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) if (al[i].name) // Named arguments are not handled by open signatures. return false; else rest->add(seq.addArg(al[i].val, f[i].t, i)); if (source->hasRest()) rest->addRest(new varinitArg(al.rest.val, source->getRest().t)); return true; } application *application::match(env &e, function *t, signature *source, arglist &al) { assert(t->kind==ty_function); application *app=new application(t); if (t->getSignature()->isOpen) return app->matchOpen(e, source, al) ? app : 0; else return app->matchSignature(e, source, al) ? app : 0; } void application::transArgs(coenv &e) { temp_vector temps; for(arg_vector::iterator a=args.begin(); a != args.end(); ++a) (*a)->trans(e,temps); if (rest) rest->trans(e,temps); } app_list multimatch(env &e, types::overloaded *o, types::signature *source, arglist &al) { assert(source); app_list l; for(ty_vector::iterator t=o->sub.begin(); t!=o->sub.end(); ++t) { if ((*t)->kind==ty_function) { application *a=application::match(e, (function *)(*t), source, al); if (a) l.push_back(a); } } if (l.size() > 1) { // Return the most specific candidates. maximizer m; for (app_list::iterator x=l.begin(); x!=l.end(); ++x) { assert(*x); m.add(*x); } return m.result(); } else return l; } #if 0 app_list resolve(env &e, types::ty *t, types::signature *source) { if (t->kind == ty_overloaded) return multimatch(e, (overloaded *)t, source); else { overloaded o; o.add(t); return multimatch(e, &o, source); } } #endif } // namespace trans