/***** * drawlabel.cc * John Bowman 2003/04/07 * * Add a label to a picture. *****/ #include <sstream> #include "drawlabel.h" #include "settings.h" #include "util.h" #include "lexical.h" using namespace settings; namespace camp { string texready=string("(Please type a command or say `\\end')\n*"); pen drawElement::lastpen; void drawLabel::labelwarning(const char *action) { cerr << "warning: label \"" << label << "\" " << action << " to avoid overwriting" << endl; } int wait(iopipestream &tex, const char *s, const char **abort, bool ignore=false) { int rc=tex.wait(s,abort); if(rc > 0) { if(fataltex[rc-1]) { tex.pipeclose(); ignore=false; } else { tex << "\n"; tex.wait(s,abort); tex << "\n"; tex.wait(s,abort); } if(!ignore) { string s=tex.message(); tex.shred(); reportError(s); } } tex.shred(); return rc; } bool texbounds(double& width, double& height, double& depth, iopipestream& tex, string& s, const char **abort, bool warn, bool Inline) { string texbuf; tex << "\\setbox\\ASYbox=\\hbox{" << stripblanklines(s) << "}\n\n"; int rc=wait(tex,texready.c_str(),abort,Inline); if(rc) { tex << "\\show 0\n"; tex.wait("\n*"); if(warn) { if(getSetting<bool>("debug")) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Cannot determine size of label \"" << s << "\""; reportWarning(buf); } return false; } return false; } tex << "\\showthe\\wd\\ASYbox\n"; tex >> texbuf; string cannotread="Cannot read label "; if(texbuf[0] == '>' && texbuf[1] == ' ') try { width=lexical::cast<double>(texbuf.c_str()+2,true)*tex2ps; } catch(lexical::bad_cast&) { reportError(cannotread+"width"); } else reportError(cannotread+"width"); tex << "\n"; wait(tex,"\n*",abort); tex << "\\showthe\\ht\\ASYbox\n"; tex >> texbuf; if(texbuf[0] == '>' && texbuf[1] == ' ') try { height=lexical::cast<double>(texbuf.c_str()+2,true)*tex2ps; } catch(lexical::bad_cast&) { reportError(cannotread+"height"); } else reportError(cannotread+"height"); tex << "\n"; wait(tex,"\n*",abort); tex << "\\showthe\\dp\\ASYbox\n"; tex >> texbuf; if(texbuf[0] == '>' && texbuf[1] == ' ') try { depth=lexical::cast<double>(texbuf.c_str()+2,true)*tex2ps; } catch(lexical::bad_cast&) { reportError(cannotread+"depth"); } else reportError(cannotread+"depth"); tex << "\n"; wait(tex,"\n*",abort); return true; } inline double urand() { static const double factor=2.0/RAND_MAX; return rand()*factor-1.0; } void setpen(iopipestream& tex, const string& texengine, const pen& pentype) { const char **abort=texabort(texengine); bool Latex=latex(texengine); if(Latex) { if(setlatexfont(tex,pentype,drawElement::lastpen)) wait(tex,"\n*",abort); } if(settexfont(tex,pentype,drawElement::lastpen,Latex)) wait(tex,"\n*",abort); drawElement::lastpen=pentype; } void drawLabel::getbounds(iopipestream& tex, const string& texengine) { if(havebounds) return; havebounds=true; const char **abort=texabort(texengine); setpen(tex,texengine,pentype); bool nullsize=size.empty(); if(!texbounds(width,height,depth,tex,label,abort,nullsize, getSetting<bool>("inlinetex")) && !nullsize) texbounds(width,height,depth,tex,size,abort,false); enabled=true; Align=inverse(T)*align; double scale0=max(fabs(Align.getx()),fabs(Align.gety())); if(scale0) Align *= 0.5/scale0; Align -= pair(0.5,0.5); double Depth=(pentype.Baseline() == NOBASEALIGN) ? depth : -depth*Align.gety(); texAlign=Align; const double vertical=height+depth; if(Depth > 0) texAlign += pair(0.0,Depth/vertical); Align.scale(width,vertical); Align += pair(0.0,Depth-depth); Align=T*Align; } void drawLabel::bounds(bbox& b, iopipestream& tex, boxvector& labelbounds, bboxlist&) { string texengine=getSetting<string>("tex"); if(texengine == "none") {b += position; return;} getbounds(tex,texengine); // alignment point pair p=position+Align; const double vertical=height+depth; const double fuzz=pentype.size()*0.1+0.3; pair A=p+T*pair(-fuzz,-fuzz); pair B=p+T*pair(-fuzz,vertical+fuzz); pair C=p+T*pair(width+fuzz,vertical+fuzz); pair D=p+T*pair(width+fuzz,-fuzz); if(pentype.Overwrite() != ALLOW && label != "") { size_t n=labelbounds.size(); box Box=box(A,B,C,D); for(size_t i=0; i < n; i++) { if(labelbounds[i].intersect(Box)) { switch(pentype.Overwrite()) { case SUPPRESS: labelwarning("suppressed"); case SUPPRESSQUIET: suppress=true; return; case MOVE: labelwarning("moved"); default: break; } pair Align=(align == pair(0,0)) ? unit(pair(urand(),urand())) : unit(align); double s=0.1*pentype.size(); double dx=0, dy=0; if(Align.getx() > 0.1) dx=labelbounds[i].xmax()-Box.xmin()+s; if(Align.getx() < -0.1) dx=labelbounds[i].xmin()-Box.xmax()-s; if(Align.gety() > 0.1) dy=labelbounds[i].ymax()-Box.ymin()+s; if(Align.gety() < -0.1) dy=labelbounds[i].ymin()-Box.ymax()-s; pair offset=pair(dx,dy); position += offset; A += offset; B += offset; C += offset; D += offset; Box=box(A,B,C,D); i=0; } } labelbounds.resize(n+1); labelbounds[n]=Box; } Box=bbox(); Box += A; Box += B; Box += C; Box += D; b += Box; } void drawLabel::checkbounds() { if(!havebounds) reportError("drawLabel::write called before bounds"); } bool drawLabel::write(texfile *out, const bbox&) { checkbounds(); if(suppress || pentype.invisible() || !enabled) return true; out->setpen(pentype); out->put(label,T,position,texAlign); return true; } drawElement *drawLabel::transformed(const transform& t) { return new drawLabel(label,size,t*T,t*position, length(align)*unit(shiftless(t)*align),pentype); } void drawLabelPath::bounds(bbox& b, iopipestream& tex, boxvector&, bboxlist&) { string texengine=getSetting<string>("tex"); if(texengine == "none") {b += position; return;} getbounds(tex,texengine); double L=p.arclength(); double s1,s2; if(justify == "l") { s1=0.0; s2=width; } else if(justify == "r") { s1=L-width; s2=L; } else { double s=0.5*L; double h=0.5*width; s1=s-h; s2=s+h; } double Sx=shift.getx(); double Sy=shift.gety(); s1 += Sx; s2 += Sx; if(width > L || (!p.cyclic() && (s1 < 0 || s2 > L))) { ostringstream buf; buf << "Cannot fit label \"" << label << "\" to path"; reportError(buf); } path q=p.subpath(p.arctime(s1),p.arctime(s2)); b += q.bounds(Sy,Sy+height); Box=b; } bool drawLabelPath::write(texfile *out, const bbox&) { bbox b=Box; double Hoffset=getSetting<bool>("inlinetex") ? b.right : b.left; b.shift(pair(-Hoffset,-b.bottom)); checkbounds(); if(drawLabel::pentype.invisible()) return true; out->setpen(drawLabel::pentype); out->verbatimline("\\psset{unit=1pt}%"); out->verbatim("\\pstextpath["); out->verbatim(justify); out->verbatim("]"); out->writepair(shift); out->verbatim("{\\pstVerb{"); out->beginraw(); writeshiftedpath(out); out->endraw(); out->verbatim("}}{"); out->verbatim(label); out->verbatimline("}"); return true; } drawElement *drawLabelPath::transformed(const transform& t) { return new drawLabelPath(label,size,transpath(t),justify,shift, transpen(t)); } } //namespace camp