/***** * flatguide.h * Andy Hammerlindl 2005/02/23 * * The data structure that builds up a knotlist. This is done by calling in * order the methods to set knots, specifiers, and tensions. * Used by the guide solving routines. * * NOTE: figure out how nullpath{}..a should be handled. *****/ #ifndef FLATGUIDE_H #define FLATGUIDE_H #include "knot.h" #include "guideflags.h" namespace camp { class flatguide { // A cached solution of the path. When traversing through a tree of guides, // if a cycle tag is encountered, then the path is solved up to that point. // If the guide continues from there (which rarely occurs in practice), all of // the control points solved are added as control specifiers, and then solved // into a path again. In the (usual) case that a cycle ends a path, the // cached path avoids this second pass. bool solved; // Used by reverse(guide) to indicate the presence of an unresolved // interior cycle. bool precycle; path p; cvector<knot> nodes; // Information before the first knot. For a non-cyclic guide, this is // ignored. For a cyclic guide, it may be useful, but I can't determine a // sensible way to use it yet. tension tout; spec *out; // Information for the next knot to come. tension tin; spec *in; static spec open; tension& tref(side s) { switch (s) { case OUT: return nodes.empty() ? tout : nodes.back().tout; case IN: default: return tin; } } // Returns a reference to a spec* so that it may be assigned. spec*& sref(side s) { switch (s) { case OUT: return nodes.empty() ? out : nodes.back().out; case IN: default: return in; } } void addPre(path& p, Int j); void addPoint(path& p, Int j); void addPost(path& p, Int j); void clearNodes() { nodes.clear(); in=&open; tin=tension(); } void clearPath() { p=path(); solved=false; } void uncheckedAdd(path p, bool allowsolve=true); // Sets solved to false, indicating that the path has been updated since last // being solved. Also, copies a solved path back in as knots and control // specifiers, as it will have to be solved again. void update() { if (solved) { solved=false; clearNodes(); add(p); clearPath(); } } public: flatguide() : solved(true), precycle(false), p(), out(&open), in(&open) {} Int size() const { return (Int) nodes.size(); } knot Nodes(Int i) const { return nodes[i]; } void setTension(tension t, side s) { update(); tref(s)=t; } void setSpec(spec *p, side s) { assert(p); update(); spec *&ref=sref(s); // Control specifiers trump normal direction specifiers. if (!ref || !ref->controlled() || p->controlled()) ref=p; } void add(pair z) { update(); // Push the pair onto the vector as a knot, using the current in-specifier // and in-tension for the in side for the knot. Use default values for the // out side, as those will be set after the point is added. nodes.push_back(knot(z,in,&open,tin,tension())); // Reset the in-spec and in-tension to defaults; tin=tension(); in=&open; } // Reverts to an empty state. void add(path p, bool allowsolve=true) { update(); uncheckedAdd(p,allowsolve); } void clear() { clearNodes(); clearPath(); } void close() { if(!nodes.empty()) { nodes.front().in=in; nodes.front().tin=tin; } } void resolvecycle() { if(!nodes.empty()) nodes.push_back(nodes.front()); } void precyclic(bool b) { precycle=b; } bool precyclic() { return precycle; } // Once all information has been added, release the flat result. simpleknotlist list(bool cycles=false) { if(cycles && !nodes.empty()) close(); return simpleknotlist(nodes,cycles); } // Yield a path from the guide as represented here. path solve(bool cycles=false) { if (solved) return p; else { simpleknotlist l=list(cycles); p=camp::solve(l); solved=true; return p; } } }; } // namespace camp #endif // FLATGUIDE_H