#include <cmath> #include <cassert> #include <cfloat> // Compute a numerical approximation to an integral via adaptive Simpson's Rule // This routine ignores underflow. const int nest=DBL_MANT_DIG; typedef struct { bool left; // left interval? double psum, f1t, f2t, f3t, dat, estr; } TABLE; bool // Returns true iff successful. simpson(double& integral, // Approximate value of the integral. double (*f)(double), // Pointer to function to be integrated. double a, double b, // Lower, upper limits of integration (a <= b). double acc, // Desired relative accuracy of integral. // Try to make |error| <= acc*abs(integral). double dxmax) // Maximum limit on the width of a subinterval // For periodic functions, dxmax should be // set to the period or smaller to prevent // premature convergence of Simpson's rule. { double diff,area,estl,estr,alpha,da,dx,wt,est,fv[5]; TABLE table[nest],*p,*pstop; static const double sixth=1.0/6.0; bool success=true; p=table; pstop=table+nest-1; p->left=true; p->psum=0.0; alpha=a; da=b-a; fv[0]=(*f)(alpha); fv[2]=(*f)(alpha+0.5*da); fv[4]=(*f)(alpha+da); wt=sixth*da; est=wt*(fv[0]+4.0*fv[2]+fv[4]); area=est; // Have estimate est of integral on (alpha, alpha+da). // Bisect and compute estimates on left and right half intervals. // integral is the best value for the integral. for(;;) { dx=0.5*da; double arg=alpha+0.5*dx; fv[1]=(*f)(arg); fv[3]=(*f)(arg+dx); wt=sixth*dx; estl=wt*(fv[0]+4.0*fv[1]+fv[2]); estr=wt*(fv[2]+4.0*fv[3]+fv[4]); integral=estl+estr; diff=est-integral; area -= diff; if(p >= pstop) success=false; if(!success || (fabs(diff) <= acc*fabs(area) && da <= dxmax)) { // Accept approximate integral. // If it was a right interval, add results to finish at this level. // If it was a left interval, process right interval. for(;;) { if(p->left == false) { // process right-half interval alpha += da; p->left=true; p->psum=integral; fv[0]=p->f1t; fv[2]=p->f2t; fv[4]=p->f3t; da=p->dat; est=p->estr; break; } integral += p->psum; if(--p <= table) return success; } } else { // Raise level and store information for processing right-half interval. ++p; da=dx; est=estl; p->left=false; p->f1t=fv[2]; p->f2t=fv[3]; p->f3t=fv[4]; p->dat=dx; p->estr=estr; fv[4]=fv[2]; fv[2]=fv[1]; } } } // Use adaptive Simpson integration to determine the upper limit of // integration required to make the definite integral of a continuous // non-negative function close to a user specified sum. // This routine ignores underflow. bool // Returns true iff successful. unsimpson(double integral, // Given value for the integral. double (*f)(double), // Pointer to function to be integrated. double a, double& b, // Lower, upper limits of integration (a <= b). // The value of b provided on entry is used // as an initial guess; somewhat faster if the // given value is an underestimation. double acc, // Desired relative accuracy of b. // Try to make |integral-area| <= acc*integral. double& area, // Computed integral of f(x) on [a,b]. double dxmax, // Maximum limit on the width of a subinterval // For periodic functions, dxmax should be // set to the period or smaller to prevent // premature convergence of Simpson's rule. double dxmin=0) // Lower limit on sampling width. { double diff,estl,estr,alpha,da,dx,wt,est,fv[5]; double sum,parea,pdiff,b2; TABLE table[nest],*p,*pstop; static const double sixth=1.0/6.0; p=table; pstop=table+nest-1; p->psum=0.0; alpha=a; parea=0.0; pdiff=0.0; for(;;) { p->left=true; da=b-alpha; fv[0]=(*f)(alpha); fv[2]=(*f)(alpha+0.5*da); fv[4]=(*f)(alpha+da); wt=sixth*da; est=wt*(fv[0]+4.0*fv[2]+fv[4]); area=est; // Have estimate est of integral on (alpha, alpha+da). // Bisect and compute estimates on left and right half intervals. // Sum is better value for integral. bool cont=true; while(cont) { dx=0.5*da; double arg=alpha+0.5*dx; fv[1]=(*f)(arg); fv[3]=(*f)(arg+dx); wt=sixth*dx; estl=wt*(fv[0]+4.0*fv[1]+fv[2]); estr=wt*(fv[2]+4.0*fv[3]+fv[4]); sum=estl+estr; diff=est-sum; assert(sum >= 0.0); area=parea+sum; b2=alpha+da; if(fabs(fabs(integral-area)-fabs(pdiff))+fabs(diff) <= fv[4]*acc*(b2-a)){ b=b2; return true; } if(fabs(integral-area) > fabs(pdiff+diff)) { if(integral <= area) { p=table; p->left=true; p->psum=parea; } else { if((fabs(diff) <= fv[4]*acc*da || dx <= dxmin) && da <= dxmax) { // Accept approximate integral sum. // If it was a right interval, add results to finish at this level. // If it was a left interval, process right interval. pdiff += diff; for(;;) { if(p->left == false) { // process right-half interval parea += sum; alpha += da; p->left=true; p->psum=sum; fv[0]=p->f1t; fv[2]=p->f2t; fv[4]=p->f3t; da=p->dat; est=p->estr; break; } sum += p->psum; parea -= p->psum; if(--p <= table) { p=table; p->psum=parea=sum; alpha += da; b += b-a; cont=false; break; } } continue; } } } if(p >= pstop) return false; // Raise level and store information for processing right-half interval. ++p; da=dx; est=estl; p->psum=0.0; p->left=false; p->f1t=fv[2]; p->f2t=fv[3]; p->f3t=fv[4]; p->dat=dx; p->estr=estr; fv[4]=fv[2]; fv[2]=fv[1]; } } }