/* -*-ePiX-*- */ #include "epix.h" using namespace ePiX; double k(4); // change width of hump double dx(0.05); // width of thin shaded region double x(1/sqrt(k)); // position of thin shaded region const double dy(0.5); double f(double t) { return sqrt(fabs(k)/(2*M_PI))*exp(-k*t*t); } P pt1(x, f(x)+2*dy); P pt2(x+dx,f(x)+dy); P pt3(x+3*dx,f(x)); Color shade1(Black(0.1)); Color shade2(Black(0.4)); Color shade3(Black(0.6)); int main() { picture(P(0,0), P(1,1), "150x150pt"); begin(); legend L; L.backing(Neutral()); fill(shade1); shadeplot(f, xmin(), x, 90); L.fill_item("$=\\displaystyle\\int_a^x f(t)\\,dt$"); fill(shade2); rect(P(x,0), P(x+dx, f(x))); L.fill_item("= $f(x)\\,dx\\vphantom{\\Bigg|}$"); fill(shade3); shadeplot(f, x, x+dx, 10); L.fill_item("= $F(x+dx)-F(x)$"); bold(); plot(f, xmin(), xmax(), 120); plain(); h_axis(4); v_axis(4); font_size("scriptsize"); L.draw(canvas().tr(), P(-2,-2), bl); font_size("footnotesize"); label(P(xmin(),0), P(0,-5), "$a$", b); label(P(x,0), P(0,-5), "$x$", b); label(P(x+dx,0), P(0,-2), "$x+dx$", br); pst_format(); end(); }