% tb2201.cnt % \tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt \secskipa=\normalsecskip \message{v21n1/2=tb70} \TUBhead 22, 1/2, March/June 2001< \subsecnn Addresses\\3-3< \sec General Delivery< \subsec Mimi~Jett\\{From the President}\\5-5< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\6-7< \subsecc We're late {\dots}; {{\CTAN} and ``The treasure chest''}; {{\TeX} Mexico User Group}; {Goodbye to Father Larguier}; Some~places to learn more about books and~printing; 5000~years of the written word; {The~Gutenberg Bible online}; {Xy-pic home moved to~\acro{TUG}}; Legibility study online< \subsec Jim~Hef{}feron\\{Why \TeX?}\\8-14< \subsecnn {Question \& Answer session with~Donald~Knuth, \acro{U.K.\,TUG}, Oxford, Sunday,~12~September~1999}\\15-19< \subsecnn {How {\AllTeX} changed the face of~mathematics: An {\ssf E}-interview with Leslie~Lamport, the~author of~\LaTeX}\\20-22< \sec Dreamboat< \sec Typography< \subsec Peter~Flynn\\Typographers' inn\\23-23< \sec Language Support< \sec Font Forum< \subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\{Laudatio for Professor Hermann Zapf}\\24-26< \subsec Hermann~Zapf\\{My collaboration with Don Knuth and my~font design work}\\26-30< \sec Software \& Tools< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\31-32< \subsec Laura~Elizabeth~Jackson~\and Herbert~Vo\ss\\{{\LyX} --- An Open Source document processor}\\32-41< \subsec Adam~H.~Lewenberg\\{\acro{DVII}: A {\TeX} dvi file information utility}\\42-45< \sec Graphics Applications< \subsec John~D.~Hobby\\{Drawing graphs with MetaPost}\\46-58< \sec Reports< \subsec Hans~Hagen\\{The status quo of the {\NTS} project}\\58-66< \sec Hints \& Tricks< \subsec William~Adams\\The treasure chest\\67-74< \sec Tutorials< \subsec George~Gr\"atzer\\{Publishing legacy documents on the~Web}\\74-78< \subsec Denis~Roegel\\Anatomy of a macro\\78-82< \sec Macros< \subsec Victor~Eijkhout\\Macros with optional arguments\\83-86< \subsec Sjouke~Mauw \and Victor~Bos\\{Drawing message sequence charts with \LaTeX}\\87-92< \sec {\LaTeX}< \subsec Frank~Mittelbach\\The {\sf trace} package\\93-99< \sec Abstracts< \subsecnn {{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg}, Contents of issues~35/36 (May~2000) and~37/38~(December~2000)}\\100-102< \sec News \& \\ Announcements< \subsecnn Calendar\\103-104< \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2001 Announcement}\\105-105< \sec TUG Business< \subsec Susan~DeMeritt\\{Minutes of \TeX\ Users Group Annual General Meeting, 15 August 2000, Oxford,~England}\\106-106< \subsec Donald~DeLand\\Financial statement, 2000\\107-107< \subsec Arthur~Ogawa\\{\acro{TUG} Election Notice}\\108-108 \subsecnn Institutional members\\109-109< \subsecnn TUG membership application\\110-110< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\111-111< \subsecnn {Just Published: \TeX\ Reference Manual by David Bausum}\\112-112< \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}< %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \secskipa=7pt % 5pt -- vary depending on available space \message{v22n3=tb71} \def\postissno{2001 Annual Meeting Proceedings} \TUBhead 22, 3, September 2001< \subsecnn {TUG\,2001 Program}\\115-116< \subsecnn {Participants at the 22nd Annual TUG Meeting}\\117-117< \sec {A \TeX\ Odyssey}< \subsec Hans~Hagen\\{\TeX\,2001: Where will the odyssey bring us?}\\118-118< \subsec Mimi~Jett\\{The future of publishing, Part 2}\\119-119< \subsec William~Richter\\{Integrating {\TeX} into a document imaging system}\\120-130< \subsec Arthur~Ogawa\\{{REV\TeX} version 4.0, an authoring package by the American~Physical~Society}\\131-133< \subsec Anita~Schwartz (Chair)\\{The {\TeX} History Panel}\\134-135< \subsec Hans~Hagen\\{Using {\TeX} for high-end typesetting}\\136-136< \subsec Peter~Flynn\\{{\TeX}---a mass market product? Or just an image in need of a~makeover?}\\137-139< \subsec David~Tulett\\{{\LaTeX} for Windows: a user's perspective}\\140-145< \sec{PDF and \TeX}< \subsec {\Thanh}\\{Margin kerning and font expansion with {pdf\TeX}}\\146-148< \subsec Ross~Moore \and Wendy~McKay\\{\acro{PDF} presentations using the Marslide package}\\149-159< \subsec Hans~Hagen\\{Using \TeX\ to enhance your presentations}\\160-160< \subsec Donald~P.~Story\\{Techniques of introducing document-level JavaScript into a \acro{PDF} file from a~{\LaTeX} source}\\161-167< \subsec Ross~Moore \and Frances~Griffin\\{MacQ\TeX: Online self-marking quizzes, using {pdf\TeX} and exerquiz}\\168-179< \subsec Martin~Schr\"oder\\{Using {pdf\TeX} in a \acro{PDF}-based imposition program}\\180-180< \subsec Nelson~Beebe\\{The \acro{PDF} Panel}\\181-187< \sec{Graphics, \acro{XML}, \\ and MathML}< \subsec Ross~Moore\\{Adobe plugin for \acro{WARM}reader}\\188-196< \subsec Stephen~Oliver\\{The \TeX{}spec tool for computer-aided software engineering}\\197-203< \subsec William~Hammond\\{\acro{GELLMU}: A bridge for authors from {\LaTeX} to \acro{XML}}\\204-207< \subsec Bob~Caviness\\{Creating Math Web Documents (Workshop)}\\208-208< \sec{Fonts and Tools}< \subsec Alan~Hoenig\\{Typesetting Hebrew with \TeX}\\209-215< \subsec Alan~Hoenig\\{Modernizing Computer Modern}\\216-219< \subsec Nelson~Beebe\\{The {\TeX} Font Panel}\\220-227< \subsec Michael~Downes\\{Managing multiple \acro{TDS} trees}\\228-237< \subsec Michael~Doob\\{Mirroring \acro{CTAN}}\\238-239< \subsec Richard~Koch\\{Installing TeXshop}\\240-246< \subsec William~Adams\\{Font installation: Agfa/Eaglefeather to Linotype Zapfino}\\247-250< \sec News \& \\ Announcements< \subsecnn Calendar\\251-252< \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2003 Announcement}\\253-253< \sec TUG Business< \subsecnn Institutional members\\254-254< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\255-255< \subsecnn {Just Published: \TeX\ Reference Manual by David Bausum}\\256-256< \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}< \def\postissno{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \secskipa=\normalsecskip \message{v22n4=tb72} \TUBhead 22, 4, December 2001< \subsecnn Addresses\\259-260< \sec General Delivery< \subsec Arthur~Ogawa\\{From the Board of Directors}\\261-263< \subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\263-265< \subsecc {The status of \TUB}; {Glitches in {\TUB} {\bf22}:1/2}; {Zapfest~exhibition,~honoring Hermann~Zapf}; {Mordecai Richler~font}; {References~for~{\TeX}~and~Friends}; {Institut d'Histoire du Livre}; {More~historic~books online at the British~Library};\newline Web document analysis; The little tugboat that could< \sec Electronic \\ Documents< \subsec D.\,P.~Story\\{{\tt execJS}: A new technique for introducing discardable JavaScript into a~\acro{PDF}~file from a~{\LaTeX}~source}\\265-268< \subsec Michel~Goossens \and Vesa~Sivunen\\{\LaTeX, \acro{SVG}, fonts}\\269-280< \subsec John~Forkosh\\{{\sf mimeTex} announcement}\\280-281< \sec Font Forum< \subsec Karl~Berry\\Making outline fonts from bitmap images\\281-285< \sec Software \& Tools< \subsec Shinsaku~Fujita \and Nobuya~Tanaka\\{Size reduction of chemical structural~formulas in \XyMTeX~(Version~3.00)}\\285-289< \subsec Rolf~Niepraschk \and Herbert~Vo\ss\\{The package {\tt ps4pdf}: from \PS\ to \acro{PDF}}\\290-292< \subsec Jonathan~Fine\\{Instant Preview and the {\TeX} daemon}\\292-298< \sec Graphics \\ Applications< \subsec Denis~Roegel\\{Space geometry with \MP}\\298-314< \subsec Jana~Vo\ss\ \and Herbert~Vo\ss\\The plot functions of {\tt pst-plot}\\314-319< \subsec Herbert~Vo\ss\\Three dimensional plots with {\tt pst-3dplot}\\319-329< \subsec Alexander~R.~Perlis\\{Axis alignment in {\Xypic} diagrams}\\330-334< \subsec Christian~Obrecht\\{Eukleides: A geometry drawing language}\\334-337< \sec Book Review< \subsec Stephen~Moye\\{{\it \TeX\ Reference Manual}, by~David~Bausum}\\338-339< \sec Hints \& Tricks< \subsec Peter~Wilson\\Glisterings\\339-341< \subsec William~Adams\\{The treasure chest}\\341-348< \subsec David~M.~Tulett\\Highlighting in the {\LaTeX} picture~environment\\349-349< \sec Macros< \subsec Alexander~R.~Perlis\\A complement to \cs{smash}, \cs{llap}, and \cs{rlap}\\350-352< \sec {\LaTeX}< \subsec John~Burt\\Typesetting critical editions of poetry\\353-360< \subsec Didier~Verna\\{CV formatting with \curve}\\361-364< \sec Abstracts< \subsecnn {{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg}, Contents of double issue 39/40 (May~2001)}\\365-367< \sec News \& \\ Announcements< \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2002 Announcement}\\368-368< \subsecnn Calendar\\369-370< \subsecnn {\acro{TUG}\,2003 Announcement}\\371-371< \subsecnn {Euro\TeX\,2003\Dash The \nth{14} European {\TeX} Conference}\\372-372< \sec Cartoon< \subsec Roy~Preston\\Ya can't touch us!\\260-260< \sec TUG Business< \subsecnn Institutional members\\373-373< \subsecnn TUG membership application\\374-374< \sec Advertisements< \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\375-375< \subsecnn {Just Published: \TeX\ Reference Manual by David Bausum}\\376-376< \subsecnn {Blue Sky Research}\\{cover 3}-{cover 3}< \vfil\eject \endinput