\begin {minipage}[t]{80mm} \centerline {\textbf {\ACROSStext }} \raggedright \ninept \begin {ClueList} \item [2] Gap between tree node labels and the node in \textsf {PSTricks} (5) \item [4] Modern replacement for scissors and glue (4) \item [6] A Unicode \TeX {} variant (5) \item [7] \ldots {} you always wanted to know but never dared to ask (3) \item [8] A graphics key that needs four numbers (2) \item [10] Called \texttt {bb} in Karl Berry's font-naming schemes (5) \item [12] A way to make your pages into thumbnails (5) \item [15] You can do it to a box but it isn't proper \LaTeX {} (5) \item [19] In \LaTeX {} denotes \(\wp \); in other circumstances might mean a word processor (2) \item [20] Result of a \TeX {} run (3) \item [21] A language whose name should probably have five letters, but then it was developed for Unix (4) \item [24] It's not Intel (5) \item [25] A pointer misspelled (3) \item [27] Testing your \LaTeX {} knowledge: \(\prec \) (4) \item [28] Label for a signal line (3) \item [29] Another name for the \LaTeX 3 project team on c.t.t. (4) \item [30] One way to get a sharp in \textsf {MusiX\TeX } (2) \item [31] A figure or plan intended to explain rather than represent actual appearance (7) \item [33] 72.27 to an inch (2) \item [34] see \textbf {1d} (5) \end {ClueList} \end {minipage}