fahyph.tex Unicode hyphenation patterns for Persian (this file is a part of XePersian package). Created: November 19th, 2008 First release: November 19th, 2008 Revised: (not yet) Version: 0.001 Created by Vafa Khalighi. These patterns were designed for use with XeTeX, a Unicode variant of TeX. After being compiled into a format, these patterns can be activated with the command: \language=\persian INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACTIVATING PERSIAN HYPHENATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ASSUMPTION: You have installed TeXLive2008. 1. Place fahyph.tex and loadhyph-fa.tex at texmf-local/tex/generic/hyphen/persian 2. Go to texmf-var/tex/generic/config/ directory and open language.dat file. 3. Open language.dat file, go to line 83 and change the line to farsi loadhyph-fa.tex 4. Generate the required formats by running fmtutil --byfmt xelatex Please send corrections and suggestions to: vafa.khalighi@students.mq.edu.au These hyphenation patterns are under the LaTeX Project Public License.