% Bibtex bibliographic data base using the canonical set given in the % ASCE web document "Instructions For Preparation Of Electronic Manuscripts" % For use with the ascelike.bst bibliographic style file. % % A few 'fine points' about bibtex data bases: % 1) Entries that are NOT enclosed in quotations marks ("" "") % must contain data. For example, the NUMBER entry. If you don't % know the NUMBER, don't leave it blank. Just remove the entire % NUMBER line. % 2) Bibtex will suppress capital letters within the TITLE of an article % (except for the first word of the title). To force capitalization, % enclose the capitalized letter(s) in curly braces, such as {ASCE} % of {SI}. % 3) Although unusual, if the reference has no author, you will need to % be somewhat creative to produce ASCE-like output. This usually occurs % when the "non-author" is an organization instead of a person, but % it also applies to newspaper articles. Try the following: % a) if the non-author is a a single word or abreviation ("ASTM" or % "Newsweek"), try formatting as a book, incollection, or article, % placing the non-author in the AUTHOR field. % b) if the non-author is multiple word (Federal Highway % Administration), you will need to be creative, since bibtex % will confuse the non-author as a person with first, middle, and % last names (for example, Federal, H. A.). Try using the MANUAL % format as shown in FHWA:1991a, FR:1968a, and ICBO:1988a % % @INCOLLECTION{ASTM:1991a, AUTHOR = "ASTM", TITLE = "Standard practice for the use of the international system of units ({SI}) (the modernized metric system)", EDITOR = "", BOOKTITLE = "E 380-91a", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Philadelphia, Pa.", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1991, EDITION = "", PAGES = "", ORGANIZATION = "", NOTE = "", } % @TECHREPORT{Duan:1990a, AUTHOR = "Duan, L. and Loh, J. T. and Chen, W. F.", TITLE = "M-{P}-f-based analysis of dented tubular members", INSTITUTION = "School of Civ. Engrg., Purdue Univ.", TYPE = "Struct. Engrg. Rep. No.", NUMBER = "CE-STR-90-27", ADDRESS = "West Lafayette, Ind.", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1990, NOTE = "", } % @BOOK{Duvant:1972a, AUTHOR = "Duvant, G. and Lions, J. L.", EDITOR = "", TITLE = "Les in{\'{e}}quations en m{\'{e}}chanique et en physique", PUBLISHER = "Dunod", ADDRESS = "Paris, France", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1972, EDITION = "", NOTE = "(in French)", } % @PHDTHESIS{Chang:1987a, AUTHOR = "Chang, T. C.", TITLE = "Network resource allocation using an expert system with fuzzy logic reasoning", SCHOOL = "University of California at Berkeley, Calif.", ADDRESS = "", YEAR = 1987, TYPE = "PhD thesis", } % @INPROCEEDINGS{Eshenaur:1991a, AUTHOR = "Eshenaur, S. R. and Kulicki, J. M. and Mertz, D. R.", TITLE = "Retrofitting distortion-induced fatigue cracking of non-composite steel girder-floorbeam-stringer bridges", BOOKTITLE = "Proc., 8th Annual Int. Bridge Conf.", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1991, ORGANIZATION = "Engineers' Soc. of Western Pennsylvania", ADDRESS = "Pittsburgh, Pa.", PAGES = "380--388", NOTE = "", } % @MANUAL{FHWA:1991a, AUTHOR = "", KEY = "Federal", TITLE = "Evaluating scour at bridges", ORGANIZATION = "Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)", PUBLISHER = "Rep., Hydr. Engrg. Circular No. 18: FHWA-IP-90-017", ADDRESS = "Washington, D.C.", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1991, NOTE = "", } % @MANUAL{FR:1968a, AUTHOR = "", KEY = "Federal", TITLE = "Federal Register", HOWPUBLISHED = "", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1988, NOTE = "33(No. 146; July 27), 10756", } % @ARTICLE{Frater:1992a, AUTHOR = "Frater, G. S. and Packer, J. A.", TITLE = "Weldment design for {RHS} truss connections. {I}: Applications", JOURNAL = "J. Struct. Engrg.", ORGANIZATION = "ASCE", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 118, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "2784--2803", NOTE = "", } % @ARTICLE{Frater:1992b, AUTHOR = "Frater, G. S. and Packer, J. A.", TITLE = "Weldment design for {RHS} truss connections. {II}: Experimentation", JOURNAL = "J. Struct. Engrg.", ORGANIZATION = "ASCE", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 118, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "2804--2820", NOTE = "", } % @BOOK{Goossens:1994a, AUTHOR = "Goossens, M. and Mittlebach, F. and Samarin, A.", TITLE = "The \LaTeX\ Companion", PUBLISHER = "Addison--Wesley Pub. Co.", ADDRESS = "Reading, Mass.", YEAR = 1994, } % @MANUAL{ICBO:1988a, AUTHOR = "", ORGANIZATION = "International Conference of Building Officials", TITLE = "Uniform building code", KEY = "International", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Whittier, Calif.", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1988, EDITION = "", NOTE = "", } % @ARTICLE{Ireland:1954a, AUTHOR = "Ireland, H. O.", TITLE = "Stability analysis of {C}ongress {S}treet open cut in {C}hicago", JOURNAL = "G{\'{e}}otechnique", ORGANIZATION = "London, England", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1954, VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "163--168", NOTE = "", } % @BOOK{Lamport:1994a, AUTHOR = "Lamport, L.", TITLE = "\LaTeX: A Document Prepartation System User's Guide and Reference Manual", PUBLISHER = "Addison--Wesley Pub. Co.", ADDRESS = "Reading, Mass.", YEAR = 1994, } % @MANUAL{Lotus:1985a, AUTHOR = "", TITLE = "Lotus 1-2-3 reference manual; release 2.01", PUBLISHER = "Lotus Development Corp.", KEY = "Lotus", ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Mass.", EDITION = "", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1985, NOTE = "", } % @BOOK{Melan:1913a, AUTHOR = "Melan, J.", EDITOR = "", TITLE = "Theory of arches and suspension bridges", PUBLISHER = "Myron C. Clark", ADDRESS = "Chicago, Ill", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1913, EDITION = "", NOTE = "D. B. Steinman, translator", } % @MANUAL{Moody:1988a, AUTHOR = "", TITLE = "Moody's municipal \& government manual", PUBLISHER = "Moody's Investors Service", KEY = "Moody", ADDRESS = "New York, N.Y.", EDITION = "", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1988, NOTE = "", } % @ARTICLE{Pennoni:1992a, AUTHOR = "Pennoni, C. R.", TITLE = "Visioning: the future of civil engineering", JOURNAL = "J. Profl. Issues in Engrg. Education and Practice", ORGANIZATION = "ASCE", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 118, NUMBER = 3, PAGES = "221--233", NOTE = "", } % @ARTICLE{Reiffenstuhl:1982a, AUTHOR = "Reiffenstuhl, H.", TITLE = "Das Vorspannen von Bewehrung auf Druck: Grundsaetzliches und Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten [prestressing of reinforcing in compression: fundamentals and application possibilities]", JOURNAL = "Beton-und Stahlbetonbau", ORGANIZATION = "Berlin, Germany", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1982, VOLUME = 77, NUMBER = 3, PAGES = "69--73", NOTE = "(in German)", } % @ARTICLE{Vesilind:1992a, AUTHOR = "Vesilind, P. A.", TITLE = "Discussion of `{G}uidance for engineering-design-class lectures on ethics,' by {R}ichard {H}. {M}c{C}uen", JOURNAL = "J. Profl. Issues in Engrg. Education and Practice", ORGANIZATION = "ASCE", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 118, NUMBER = 2, PAGES = "214--215", NOTE = "", } % @INCOLLECTION{Zadeh:1981a, AUTHOR = "Zadeh, L. A.", TITLE = "Possibility theory and soft data analysis", EDITOR = "L. Cobb and R. M. Thrall", BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical frontiers of the social and policy sciences", PUBLISHER = "Westview Press, Inc.", ADDRESS = "Boulder, Colo.", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1981, EDITION = "", PAGES = "69--129", ORGANIZATION = "", NOTE = "", }