\def\batchfile{esint.ins} \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \preamble esint package to typeset integrals signs. See also http://perso.wanadoo.fr/eddie.saudrais (in french) Run LaTeX on esint.ins to generate files. Install the files: -- esint.sty and uesint.fd on TEXINPUT; -- esint10.mf, mathint.mf and bigint.mf on MFINPUT; -- generate tfm files running METAFONT on esint10.mf files, and put the *.tfm file on the right location. Run LaTeX on esint.dtx to generate documentation. \endpreamble \generate{\file{esint.sty}{\from{esint.dtx}{package}}} \generate{\file{uesint.fd}{\from{esint.dtx}{fdfile}}} \generate{\file{esint10.mf}{\from{esint.dtx}{mffile}}} \generate{\file{mathint.mf}{\from{esint.dtx}{mfmath}}} \generate{\file{bigint.mf}{\from{esint.dtx}{mfsymbol}}} \endinput