% SANS.STY % (c) copyleft 1992, 1996, 1999 J"org Knappen % Licence: GNU public licence, version 2 % % This package makes computer modern sans serif the default font % \sf switches to the cmr family % % This package works can be used with LaTeX2e or with % LaTeX2.09 and the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) \@ifundefined{extract@font} {\errmessage{The style option `sans' does not make sense if you do not use a format with the new font selection scheme. Please upgrade to LaTeX2e.} \endinput} {} \@ifundefined{reset@font} {\errmessage{The style option `sans' does not make sense if you do not use LaTeX of Dec 1, 1991 or later. Please upgrade to LaTeX2e.} \endinput} {} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{cmss} \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{cmr} \reset@font \endinput Exchanges the roles of sans and roman in a cm or ec setup. Does not work for other font setups (like times/helvetica), unfortunately. This package is written by J"org Knappen, Barbarossaring 43, D-55118 Mainz, Allemagne Author of the Book: Schnell ans Ziel mit LaTeX2e, Oldenbourg-Verlag M"unchen, 1997, ISBN 3-486-24199-0. % /sans.sty