% File nomencl.ins % Copyright 1996 Boris Veytsman % Copyright 1999-2001 Bernd Schandl % www http://sarovar.org/projects/nomencl % % % Installation file for the nomencl package. % % See the README file for instructions. % % This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN % archives in the directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1.2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. % \input docstrip \keepsilent % preamble for sty and drv file \preamble Copyright 1996 Boris Veytsman Copyright 1999-2001 Bernd Schandl www http://sarovar.org/projects/nomencl This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN archives in the directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. \endpreamble % preamble for ist file \catcode`\%=12 \declarepreamble\istpreamble Copyright 1996 Boris Veytsman Copyright 1999-2001 Bernd Schandl www http://sarovar.org/projects/nomencl This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN archives in the directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1.2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. Nomenclature style file for MAKEINDEX. For nomencl v2.5 (and later) Formats glossary entries to show, e.g. nomenclature of equations. Written by Boris Veytsman boris@plmsc.psu.edu Changed by Bernd Schandl schandl@gmx.net (starting 1999/02/20) Changed by Lee Netherton ltn100@users.sourceforge.net (starting 2005/03/31) Changes: 2005/04/27. Updates to the documentation, including support for hyperref (LN) 2005/04/20. Improvements to Italian option, and minor documentation changes (LN) 2005/03/31. Made more compatible with other glossary packages. (LN) Added option to include nomenclature in TOC. (LN) 1996/11/25. Change quote character to % (BV) 1999/02/20. Removed setting of actual to its default value Removed setting of quote to '%' to get its default '"' instead Changed group_skip to do nothing; user should use \string\nomgroup Changed spacing in gls file \endpreamble \catcode`\%=14 \generate{% \file{nomencl.sty}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{package}}% \file{sample01.cfg}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{sample01}}% \file{sample02.cfg}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{sample02}}% \file{sample04.cfg}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{sample04}}% \file{sample05.cfg}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{sample05}}% \usepostamble\empty \file{nomencl.drv}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{driver}}% \usepreamble\istpreamble \file{nomencl.ist}{\from{nomencl.dtx}{idxstyle}}} \endbatchfile