% \section{Implementation} % \label{sec:implementation} % % There are two pieces to this package: a \LTX style file, and a % Python module. They are mutually interdependent, so it makes sense to % document them both here. % % \subsection{The style file} % \label{sec:sty-file} % % \iffalse % tell docstrip to put code into the .sty file %<*latex> % \fi % % All macros and counters intended for use internal to this package % begin with ``|ST@|''. % % \subsubsection{Initialization} % % Let's begin by loading some packages. The key bits of |sageblock| and % friends are stol---um, adapted from the |verbatim| package manual. So % grab the |verbatim| package. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{verbatim} % \end{macrocode} % Unsurprisingly, the |\sageplot| command works poorly without graphics % support. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{graphicx} % \end{macrocode} % The |makecmds| package gives us a |\provideenvironment| which we need, % and we use |ifpdf| and |ifthen| in |\sageplot| so we know what kind of % files to look for. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{makecmds} \RequirePackage{ifpdf} \RequirePackage{ifthen} % \end{macrocode} % % Next set up the counters, default indent, and flags. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{ST@inline} \newcounter{ST@plot} \setcounter{ST@inline}{0} \setcounter{ST@plot}{0} \newlength{\sagetexindent} \setlength{\sagetexindent}{5ex} \newif\ifST@paused \ST@pausedfalse % \end{macrocode} % Set up the file stuff, which will get run at the beginning of the % document, after we know what's happening with the |final| option. % First, we open the |.sage| file: % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{\@ifundefined{ST@final}{% \newwrite\ST@sf% \immediate\openout\ST@sf=\jobname.sage% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ST@wsf} % We will write a lot of stuff to that file, so make a convenient % abbreviation, then use it to put the initial commands into the % |.sage| file. The hash mark below gets doubled when written to the % file, for some obscure reason related to parameter expansion. It's % valid Python, though, so I haven't bothered figuring out how to get % a single hash. We are assuming that the extension is |.tex|; see the % |initplot| documentation on page~\pageref{initplot} for discussion % of file extensions. The ``|(\jobname.sage)|'' business is there % because the comment below will get pulled into the autogenerated % |.py| file (second order autogeneration!) and I'd like to reduce % possible confusion if someone is looking around in those files. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@wsf}[1]{\immediate\write\ST@sf{#1}}% \ST@wsf{# This file (\jobname.sage) was *autogenerated* from the file \jobname.tex.}% \ST@wsf{import sagetex}% \ST@wsf{_st_ = sagetex.SageTeXProcessor('\jobname')}}% % \end{macrocode} % On the other hand, if the |ST@final| flag is set, don't bother with % any of the file stuff, and make |\ST@wsf| a no-op. % \begin{macrocode} {\newcommand{\ST@wsf}[1]{\relax}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Now we declare our options, which mostly just set flags that we check % at the beginning of the document, and when running the |.sage| file. % \changes{v2.0}{2008/04/04}{Add \texttt{epstopdf} option} % \changes{v2.0}{2008/12/16}{Add \texttt{final} option} % % The |final| option controls whether or not we write the |.sage| file; % the |imagemagick| and |epstopdf| options both want to write something % to that same file. So we put off all the actual file stuff until the % beginning of the document---by that time, we'll have processed the % |final| option (or not) and can check the |\ST@final| flag to see what % to do. (We must do this because we can't specify code that runs if an % option \emph{isn't} defined.) % % For |final|, we set a flag for other guys to check, and if there's no % |.sout| file, we warn the user that something fishy is going on. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{final}{% \newcommand{\ST@final}{x}% \IfFileExists{\jobname.sout}{}{\AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{sagetex}% {`final' option provided, but \jobname.sout^^Jdoesn't exist! No Sage input will appear in your document. Remove the `final'^^Joption and rerun LaTeX on your document}}}} % \end{macrocode} % For |imagemagick|, we set two flags: one for \LTX and one for Sage. % It's important that we set |ST@useimagmagick| \emph{before} the % beginning of the document, so that the graphics commands can check % that. We do wait until the beginning of the document to do file % writing stuff. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{imagemagick}{% \newcommand{\ST@useimagemagick}{x}% \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{ST@final}{% \ST@wsf{_st_.useimagemagick = True}}{}}} % \end{macrocode} % For |epstopdf|, we just set a flag for Sage. Then, process the options. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{epstopdf}{% \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifundefined{ST@final}{% \ST@wsf{_st_.useepstopdf = True}}{}}} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % The |\relax| is a little incantation suggested by the ``\LaTeXe{} for % class and package writers'' manual, section 4.7. % % Pull in the |.sout| file if it exists, or do nothing if it doesn't. I % suppose we could do this inside an |AtBeginDocument| but I don't see % any particular reason to do that. It will work whenever we load it. If % the |.sout| file isn't found, print the usual \TeX-style message. This % allows programs % (\href{http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk-jcc/}{\texttt{Latexmk}}, for example) % that read the |.log| file or terminal output to detect % the need for another typesetting run to do so. If the ``\texttt{No % file foo.sout}'' line doesn't work for some software package, please % let me know and I can change it to use |PackageInfo| or whatever. % \begin{macrocode} \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.sout}{}{\typeout{No file \jobname.sout.}} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v2.1.1}{2009/05/14}{Add typeout if .sout file not found} % % The user might load the |hyperref| package after this one (indeed, the % |hyperref| documentation insists that it be loaded last) or not at % all---so when we hit the beginning of the document, provide a dummy % |NoHyper| environment if one hasn't been defined by the |hyperref| % package. We need this for the |\sage| macro below. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{\provideenvironment{NoHyper}{}{}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\protect\bslash sage} macro} % \label{sec:sagemacro} % % \begin{macro}{\sage} % This macro combines |\ref|, |\label|, and Sage all at once. First, we % use Sage to get a \LTX representation of whatever you give this % function. The Sage script writes a |\newlabel| line into the |.sout| % file, and we read the output using the |\ref| command. Usually, |\ref| % pulls in a section or theorem number, but it will pull in arbitrary % text just as well. % % The first thing it does it write its argument into the |.sage| file, % along with a counter so we can produce a unique label. We wrap a % try/except around the function call so that we can provide a more % helpful error message in case something goes wrong. (In particular, we % can tell the user which line of the |.tex| file contains the offending % code.) We can use |^^J| to put linebreaks into the |.sage| file, but % \LTX wants to put a space after that, which is why we don't put the % ``except'' on its own line here in the source. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sage}[1]{\ST@wsf{% try:^^J _st_.inline(\theST@inline, #1)^^Jexcept:^^J _st_.goboom(\the\inputlineno)}% % \end{macrocode} % The |inline| function of the Python module is documented on page % \pageref{inlinefn}. Back in \LTX-land: if paused, say so. % \begin{macrocode} \ifST@paused \mbox{(Sage\TeX{} is paused)}% % \end{macrocode} % Otherwise\ldots our use of |\newlabel| and |\ref| seems awfully clever % until you load the |hyperref| package, which gleefully tries to % hyperlink the hell out of everything. This is great until it hits one % of our special |\newlabel|s and gets deeply confused. Fortunately the % |hyperref| folks are willing to accomodate people like us, and give us % a |NoHyper| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \else \begin{NoHyper}\ref{@sageinline\theST@inline}\end{NoHyper} % \end{macrocode} % Now check if the label has already been defined. (The internal % implementation of labels in \LTX involves defining a macro called % ``|r@@labelname|''.) If it hasn't, we set a flag so that we can tell % the user to run Sage on the |.sage| file at the end of the run. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{r@@sageinline\theST@inline}{\gdef\ST@rerun{x}}{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % In any case, the last thing to do is step the counter. % \begin{macrocode} \stepcounter{ST@inline}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\percent} % A macro that inserts a percent sign. This is more-or-less stolen from the % \textsf{Docstrip} manual; there they change the catcode inside a group % and use |gdef|, but here we try to be more \LaTeX y and use % |\newcommand|. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\%=12 \newcommand{\percent}{%} \catcode`\%=14 % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\protect\bslash sageplot} macro and friends} % \label{sec:sageplotmacro} % % Plotting is rather more complicated, and requires several helper % macros that accompany |\sageplot|. % % \begin{macro}{\ST@plotdir} % A little abbreviation for the plot directory. We don't use % |\graphicspath| because it's % \href{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=graphicspath}{ % apparently slow}---also, since we know right where our plots are % going, no need to have \LTX looking for them. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@plotdir}{sage-plots-for-\jobname.tex} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@missingfilebox} % The code that makes the ``file not found'' box. This shows up in a % couple places below, so let's just define it once. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@missingfilebox}{\framebox[2cm]{\rule[-1cm]{0cm}{2cm}\textbf{??}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\sageplot} % \changes{v1.3}{2008/03/08}{Iron out warnings, cool \TikZ flowchart} % This function is similar to |\sage|. The neat thing that we take % advantage of is that commas aren't special for arguments to \LTX % commands, so it's easy to capture a bunch of keyword arguments that % get passed right into a Python function. % % This macro has two optional arguments, which can't be defined using % \LTX's |\newcommand|; we use Scott Pakin's brilliant % \href{http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/newcommand/}{|newcommand|} % package to create this macro; the options I fed to his script were % similar to this: %\begin{center} % |MACRO sageplot OPT[#1={width}] OPT[#2={notprovided}] #3| %\end{center} % Observe that we are using a Python script to write \LTX code which % writes Python code which writes \LTX code. Crazy! % % Here's the wrapper command which does whatever magic we need to get % two optional arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sageplot}[1][width=.75\textwidth]{% \@ifnextchar[{\ST@sageplot[#1]}{\ST@sageplot[#1][notprovided]}} % \end{macrocode} % The first optional argument |#1| will get shoved right into the % optional argument for |\includegraphics|, so the user has easy control % over the \LTX aspects of the plotting. We define a default size of % $3/4$ the textwidth, which seems reasonable. (Perhaps a future version % of \ST will allow the user to specify in the package options a set of % default options to be used throughout.) The second optional argument % |#2| is the file format and allows us to tell what files to look for. % It defaults to ``notprovided'', which tells the Python module to % create EPS and PDF files. Everything in |#3| gets put into the Python % function call, so the user can put in keyword arguments there which % get interpreted correctly by Python. % % \begin{macro}{\ST@sageplot} % \changes{v2.0}{2008/12/16}{Change to use only keyword arguments: see issue % 2 on bitbucket tracker} % Let's see the real code here. We write a couple lines to the |.sage| % file, including a counter, input line number, and all of the mandatory % argument; all this is wrapped in another try/except. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ST@sageplot[#1][#2]#3{\ST@wsf{try:^^J _st_.plot(\theST@plot, format='#2', _p_=#3)^^Jexcept:^^J _st_.goboom(\the\inputlineno)}% % \end{macrocode} % The Python |plot| function is documented on page~\pageref{plotfn}. % % Now we include the appropriate graphics file. Because the user might % be producing DVI or PDF files, and have supplied a file format or not, % and so on, the logic we follow is a bit complicated. % \autoref{f:sageplottree} shows what we do; for completeness---and % because I think drawing trees with \TikZ is really cool---we show what % |\ST@inclgrfx| does in \autoref{f:stig}. This entire complicated % business is intended to avoid doing an |\includegraphics| command on a % file that doesn't exist, and to issue warnings appropriate to the % situation. % % \begin{figure} % \centering % \begin{tikzpicture} % \tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling distance=6cm] % \tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling distance=3cm] % \node [box] {DVI or PDF?} % child {node [box] {Format provided?} % child {node [box] {STig EPS} % edge from parent node[left] {no}} % child {node [box] {IM option set?} % child {node [box, text width=3cm] {Warn that DVI + PNG = bad} % edge from parent node[left] {no}} % child {node [box] {STig EPS} % edge from parent node[right] {yes}} % edge from parent node[right] {yes}} % edge from parent node[left] {DVI}} % child {node [box] {Format provided?} % child {node [box] {STig PDF} % edge from parent node[left] {no}} % child {node [box] {STig \texttt{\#2}} % edge from parent node[right] {yes}} % edge from parent node[right] {PDF}}; % \end{tikzpicture} % \caption{The logic tree that \texttt{\bslash sageplot} uses to % decide whether to run \texttt{\bslash includegraphics} or to yell at % the user. ``Format'' is the \texttt{\#2} argument to \texttt{\bslash % sageplot}, ``STig ext'' % means a call to \texttt{\bslash ST@inclgrfx} with ``ext'' as the % second argument, and ``IM'' is Imagemagick.} % \label{f:sageplottree} % \end{figure} % % If we are creating a PDF, we check to see if the user asked for a % different format, and use that if necessary: % \begin{macrocode} \ifpdf \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{notprovided}}% {\ST@inclgrfx{#1}{pdf}}% {\ST@inclgrfx{#1}{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % Otherwise, we are creating a DVI file, which only supports EPS. If the % user provided a format anyway, don't include the file (since it won't % work) and warn the user about this. (Unless the file doesn't exist, in % which case we do the same thing that |\ST@inclgrfx| does.) % \begin{macrocode} \else \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{notprovided}}% {\ST@inclgrfx{#1}{eps}}% % \end{macrocode} % If a format is provided, we check to see if we're using the % imagemagick option. If not, we're going to issue some sort of warning, % depending on whether the file exists yet or not. % \begin{macrocode} {\@ifundefined{ST@useimagemagick}% {\IfFileExists{\ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2}% {\ST@missingfilebox% \PackageWarning{sagetex}{Graphics file \ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2\space on page \thepage\space cannot be used with DVI output. Use pdflatex or create an EPS file. Plot command is}}% {\ST@missingfilebox% \PackageWarning{sagetex}{Graphics file \ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2\space on page \thepage\space does not exist. Plot command is}% \gdef\ST@rerun{x}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Otherwise, we are using Imagemagick, so try to include an EPS file % anyway. % \begin{macrocode} {\ST@inclgrfx{#1}{eps}}}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Step the counter and we're done with the usual work. % \begin{macrocode} \stepcounter{ST@plot}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@inclgrfx} % This command includes the requested graphics file (|#2| is the % extension) with the requested options (|#1|) if the file exists. Note % that it just needs to know the extension, since we use a counter for % the filename. If we are paused, it just puts in a little box saying % so. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@inclgrfx}[2]{\ifST@paused \fbox{\rule[-1cm]{0cm}{2cm}Sage\TeX{} is paused; no graphic} \else \IfFileExists{\ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2}% {\includegraphics[#1]{\ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % If the file doesn't exist, we insert a little box to indicate it % wasn't found, issue a warning that we didn't find a graphics file, % then set a flag that, at the end of the run, tells the user to run % Sage again. % \begin{macrocode} {\ST@missingfilebox% \PackageWarning{sagetex}{Graphics file \ST@plotdir/plot-\theST@plot.#2\space on page \thepage\space does not exist. Plot command is}% \gdef\ST@rerun{x}} \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \autoref{f:stig} makes this a bit clearer. % \begin{figure} % \centering % \begin{tikzpicture} % \tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling distance=4cm] % \node [box] {Paused?} % child {node [box] {Insert ``we're paused'' box} % edge from parent node[left] {yes}} % child {node [box] {Does EXT file exist?} % child {node [box, text width = 2.125cm] {Warn user to rerun Sage} % edge from parent node[left] {no}} % child {node [box] {Use \texttt{includegraphics}} % edge from parent node[right] {yes}} % edge from parent node[right] {no}}; % \end{tikzpicture} % \caption{The logic used by the \texttt{\bslash ST@inclgrfx} % command.} % \label{f:stig} % \end{figure} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Verbatim-like environments} % \label{sec:verbatim-envs} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@beginsfbl} % This is ``begin |.sage| file block'', an internal-use abbreviation % that sets things up when we start writing a chunk of Sage code to % the |.sage| file. It begins with some \TeX{} magic that fixes % spacing, then puts the start of a try/except block in the |.sage| % file---this not only allows the user to indent code without % Sage/Python complaining about indentation, but lets us tell the user % where things went wrong. The |blockbegin| and |blockend| functions % are documented on page~\pageref{blocksbeginend}. The last bit is some % magic from the |verbatim| package manual that makes \LTX respect % line breaks. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@beginsfbl}{% \@bsphack\ST@wsf{% _st_.blockbegin()^^Jtry:}% \let\do\@makeother\dospecials\catcode`\^^M\active} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ST@endsfbl} % The companion to |\ST@beginsfbl|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ST@endsfbl}{% \ST@wsf{except:^^J _st_.goboom(\the\inputlineno)^^J_st_.blockend()}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Now let's define the ``verbatim-like'' environments. There are four % possibilities, corresponding to the two independent choices of % typesetting the code or not, and writing to the |.sage| file or not. % % \begin{environment}{sageblock} % This environment does both: it typesets your code and puts it into the % |.sage| file for execution by Sage. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{sageblock}{\ST@beginsfbl% % \end{macrocode} % The space between |\ST@wsf{| and |\the| is crucial! It, along with the % ``|try:|'', is what allows the user to indent code if they like. This % line sends stuff to the |.sage| file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\verbatim@processline{\ST@wsf{ \the\verbatim@line}% % \end{macrocode} % Next, we typeset your code and start the verbatim environment. % \begin{macrocode} \hspace{\sagetexindent}\the\verbatim@line\par}% \verbatim}% % \end{macrocode} % At the end of the environment, we put a chunk into the |.sage| file % and stop the verbatim environment. % \begin{macrocode} {\ST@endsfbl\endverbatim} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{sagesilent} % This is from the |verbatim| package manual. It's just like the above, % except we don't typeset anything. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{sagesilent}{\ST@beginsfbl% \def\verbatim@processline{\ST@wsf{ \the\verbatim@line}}% \verbatim@start}% {\ST@endsfbl\@esphack} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % \begin{environment}{sageverbatim} % The opposite of |sagesilent|. This is exactly the same as the verbatim % environment, except that we include some indentation to be consistent % with other typeset Sage code. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{sageverbatim}{% \def\verbatim@processline{\hspace{\sagetexindent}\the\verbatim@line\par}% \verbatim}% {\endverbatim} % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % % Logically, we now need an environment which neither typesets % \emph{nor} writes code to the |.sage| file. The verbatim package's % |comment| environment does that.\\ % % \subsubsection{Pausing \ST} % \label{sec:pausing-sagetex} % % How can one have Sage to stop processing \ST output for a little % while, and then start again? At first I thought I would need some sort % of ``goto'' statement in Python, but later realized that there's a % dead simple solution: write triple quotes to the |.sage| file to % comment out the code. Okay, so this isn't \emph{really} commenting out % the code; PEP 8 says block comments should use ``|#|'' and Sage will % read in the ``commented-out'' code as a string literal. For the % purposes of \ST, I think this is a good decision, though, since (1) % the pausing mechanism is orthogonal to everything else, which makes it % easier to not screw up other code, and (2) it will always work. % % This illustrates what I really like about \ST: it mixes \LTX and % Sage/Python, and often what is difficult or impossible in one system % is trivial in the other. % % \begin{macro}{sagetexpause} % This macro pauses \ST by effectively commenting out code in the % |.sage| file. When running the corresponding |.sage| file, Sage will % skip over any commands issued while \ST is paused. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sagetexpause}{\ifST@paused\relax\else \ST@wsf{print 'SageTeX paused on \jobname.tex line \the\inputlineno'^^J"""} \ST@pausedtrue \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{sagetexunpause} % This is the obvious companion to |\sagetexpause|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\sagetexunpause}{\ifST@paused \ST@wsf{"""^^Jprint 'SageTeX unpaused on \jobname.tex line \the\inputlineno'} \ST@pausedfalse \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{End-of-document cleanup} % \label{sec:end-of-doc-cleanup} % % We tell the Sage script to write some information to the |.sout| file, % then check to see if |ST@rerun| ever got defined. If not, all the % inline formulas and plots worked, so do nothing. We check to see if % we're paused first, so that we can finish the triple-quoted string in % the |.sage| file. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{\ifST@paused \ST@wsf{"""^^Jprint 'SageTeX unpaused at end of \jobname.tex'} \fi \ST@wsf{_st_.endofdoc()}% \@ifundefined{ST@rerun}{}% % \end{macrocode} % Otherwise, we issue a warning to tell the user to run Sage on the % |.sage| file. Part of the reason we do this is that, by using |\ref| % to pull in the inlines, \LTX will complain about undefined references % if you haven't run the Sage script---and for many \LTX users, myself % included, the warning ``there were undefined references'' is a signal % to run \LTX again. But to fix these particular undefined references, % you need to run \emph{Sage}. We also suppressed file-not-found errors % for graphics files, and need to tell the user what to do about that. % % At any rate, we tell the user to run Sage if it's necessary. % \begin{macrocode} {\PackageWarningNoLine{sagetex}{There were undefined Sage formulas and/or plots.^^JRun Sage on \jobname.sage, and then run LaTeX on \jobname.tex again}}} % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{The Python module} % \label{sec:py-file} % % \iffalse % Hey, docstrip! Stop putting code into the .sty file, and start % putting it into the .py file. % %<*python> % Thanks. % \fi % % The style file writes things to the |.sage| file and reads them from % the |.sout| file. The Python module provides functions that help % produce the |.sout| file from the |.sage| file. % % \paragraph{A note on Python and \textsf{Docstrip}} There is one tiny % potential source of confusion when documenting Python code with % \textsf{Docstrip}: the percent sign. If you have a long line of Python % code which includes a percent sign for string formatting and you break % the line with a backslash and begin the next line with a percent sign, % that line \emph{will not} be written to the output file. This is only % a problem if you \emph{begin} the line with a (single) percent sign; % there are no troubles otherwise.\\ % % On to the code: the |sagetex.py| file is intended to be used as a % module and doesn't do anything useful when called directly, so if % someone does that, warn them. We do this right away so that we print % this and exit before trying to import any Sage modules; that way, this % error message gets printed whether you run the script with Sage or % with Python. % \begin{macrocode} import sys if __name__ == "__main__": print("""This file is part of the SageTeX package. It is not meant to be called directly. This file will be automatically used by Sage scripts generated from a LaTeX document using the SageTeX package.""") sys.exit() % \end{macrocode} % Import what we need: % \begin{macrocode} from sage.misc.latex import latex import os import os.path import hashlib import traceback import subprocess import shutil % \end{macrocode} % We define a class so that it's a bit easier to carry around internal % state. We used to just have some global variables and a bunch of % functions, but this seems a bit nicer and easier. % \begin{macrocode} class SageTeXProcessor(): def __init__(self, jobname): self.progress('Processing Sage code for %s.tex...' % jobname) self.didinitplot = False self.useimagemagick = False self.useepstopdf = False self.plotdir = 'sage-plots-for-' + jobname + '.tex' self.filename = jobname % \end{macrocode} % Open a |.sout.tmp| file and write all our output to that. Then, when % we're done, we move that to |.sout|. The ``autogenerated'' line is % basically the same as the lines that get put at the top of preparsed % Sage files; we are automatically generating a file with Sage, so it % seems reasonable to add it. % \begin{macrocode} self.souttmp = open(self.filename + '.sout.tmp', 'w') s = '% This file was *autogenerated* from the file ' + \ os.path.splitext(jobname)[0] + '.sage.\n' self.souttmp.write(s) % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{progress} % This function just prints stuff. It allows us to not print a % linebreak, so you can get ``|start...|'' (little time spent % processing) ``|end|'' on one line. % \begin{macrocode} def progress(self, t,linebreak=True): if linebreak: print(t) else: sys.stdout.write(t) sys.stdout.flush() % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{initplot} % \phantomsection\label{initplot} % We only want to create the plots directory if the user actually plots % something. This function creates the directory and sets the % |didinitplot| flag after doing so. We make a directory based on the % \LTX file being processed so that if there are multiple |.tex| files % in a directory, we don't overwrite plots from another file. % \begin{macrocode} def initplot(self): self.progress('Initializing plots directory') % \end{macrocode} % We hard-code the |.tex| extension, which is fine in the overwhelming % majority of cases, although it does cause minor confusion when % building the documentation. If it turns out lots of people use, say, a % |ltx| extension or whatever, We could find out the correct extension, % but it would involve a lot of irritating mucking around---on % |comp.text.tex|, the best solution I found for finding the file % extension is to look through the |.log| file. % \begin{macrocode} if os.path.isdir(self.plotdir): shutil.rmtree(self.plotdir) os.mkdir(self.plotdir) self.didinitplot = True % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{inline} % \phantomsection\label{inlinefn} % This function works with |\sage| from the style file (see % \autoref{sec:sagemacro}) to put Sage output into your \LTX file. % Usually, when you use |\label|, it writes a line such as % \begin{center} % |\newlabel{labelname}{{section number}{page number}}| % \end{center} % to the |.aux| file. When you use the |hyperref| package, there are % more fields in the second argument, but the first two are the same. % The |\ref| command just pulls in what's in the first field of the % second argument, so we can hijack this mechanism for our own nefarious % purposes. The function writes a |\newlabel| line with a label made % from a counter and the text from running Sage on |s|. % % We print out the line number so if something goes wrong, the user can % more easily track down the offending |\sage| command in the source % file. % % That's a lot of explanation for a very short function: % \begin{macrocode} def inline(self, counter, s): self.progress('Inline formula %s' % counter) self.souttmp.write('\\newlabel{@sageinline' + str(counter) + '}{{' + \ latex(s).rstrip() + '}{}{}{}{}}\n') % \end{macrocode} % We are using five fields, just like |hyperref| does, because that % works whether or not |hyperref| is loaded. Using two fields, as in % plain \LTX, doesn't work if |hyperref| is loaded. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{blockbegin} % \begin{macro}{blockend} % \phantomsection\label{blocksbeginend} % This function and its companion used to write stuff to the |.sout| % file, but now they just update the user on our progress evaluating a % code block. The verbatim-like environments of % \autoref{sec:verbatim-envs} use these functions. % \begin{macrocode} def blockbegin(self): self.progress('Code block begin...', False) def blockend(self): self.progress('end') % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{plot} % \phantomsection\label{plotfn} % I hope it's obvious that this function does plotting. It's the Python % counterpart of |\ST@sageplot| described in \autoref{sec:sageplotmacro}. As % mentioned in the |\sageplot| code, we're taking advantage of two % things: first, that \LTX doesn't treat commas and spaces in macro % arguments specially, and second, that Python (and Sage plotting % functions) has nice support for keyword arguments. The |#3| argument % to |\sageplot| becomes |_p_| and |**kwargs| below. % \begin{macrocode} def plot(self, counter, _p_, format='notprovided', **kwargs): if not self.didinitplot: self.initplot() self.progress('Plot %s' % counter) % \end{macrocode} % If the user says nothing about file formats, we default to producing % PDF and EPS. This allows the user to transparently switch between % using a DVI previewer (which usually automatically updates when the % DVI changes, and has support for source specials, which makes the % writing process easier) and making PDFs.\footnote{Yes, there's % \texttt{pdfsync}, but full support for that is still rare in Linux, so % producing EPS and PDF is the best solution for now.} % \begin{macrocode} if format == 'notprovided': formats = ['eps', 'pdf'] else: formats = [format] for fmt in formats: % \end{macrocode} % If we're making a PDF and have been told to use |epstopdf|, do so, % then skip the rest of the loop. % \begin{macrocode} if fmt == 'pdf' and self.useepstopdf: epsfile = os.path.join(self.plotdir, 'plot-%s.eps' % counter) self.progress('Calling epstopdf to convert plot-%s.eps to PDF' % \ counter) subprocess.check_call(['epstopdf', epsfile]) continue plotfilename = os.path.join(self.plotdir, 'plot-%s.%s' % (counter, fmt)) _p_.save(filename=plotfilename, **kwargs) % \end{macrocode} % If the user provides a format \emph{and} specifies the |imagemagick| % option, we try to convert the newly-created file into EPS format. % \begin{macrocode} if format != 'notprovided' and self.useimagemagick: self.progress('Calling Imagemagick to convert plot-%s.%s to EPS' % \ (counter, format)) self.toeps(counter, format) % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{toeps} % This function calls the Imagmagick utility |convert| to, well, convert % something into EPS format. This gets called when the user has % requested the ``|imagemagick|'' option to the \ST\ style file and is % making a graphic file with a nondefault extension. % \begin{macrocode} def toeps(self, counter, ext): subprocess.check_call(['convert',\ '%s/plot-%s.%s' % (self.plotdir, counter, ext), \ '%s/plot-%s.eps' % (self.plotdir, counter)]) % \end{macrocode} % We are blindly assuming that the |convert| command exists and will do % the conversion for us; the |check_call| function raises an exception % which, since all these calls get wrapped in try/excepts in the |.sage| % file, should result in a reasonable error message if something strange % happens. % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{goboom} % \phantomsection\label{macro:goboom} % When a chunk of Sage code blows up, this function bears the bad news % to the user. Normally in Python the traceback is good enough for % this, but in this case, we start with a |.sage| file (which is % autogenerated) which itself autogenerates a |.py| file---and the % tracebacks the user sees refer to that file, whose line numbers are % basically useless. We want to tell them where in the \LTX file % things went bad, so we do that, give them the traceback, and exit % after removing the |.sout.tmp| file. % \begin{macrocode} def goboom(self, line): print('\n**** Error in Sage code on line %s of %s.tex! Traceback\ follows.' % (line, self.filename)) traceback.print_exc() print('\n**** Running Sage on %s.sage failed! Fix %s.tex and try\ again.' % ((self.filename,) * 2)) self.souttmp.close() os.remove(self.filename + '.sout.tmp') sys.exit(int(1)) % \end{macrocode} % We use |int(1)| above to make sure |sys.exit| sees a Python integer; % see % \href{http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2861#comment:5}{ticket % \#2861}. % \changes{v2.0.2}{2008/04/21}{Make sure sys.exit sees a Python integer} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{endofdoc} % When we're done processing, we have some cleanup tasks. We % want to put the MD5 sum of the |.sage| file that produced the |.sout| % file we're about to write into the |.sout| file, so that external % programs that build \LTX documents can determine if they need to call Sage % to update the |.sout| file. But there is a problem: we write line % numbers to the |.sage| file so that we can provide useful error % messages---but that means that adding non-\ST text to your % source file will change the MD5 sum, and your program will think it % needs to rerun Sage even though none of the actual \ST macros % changed. % % How do we include line numbers for our error messages but still allow % a program to discover a ``genuine'' change to the |.sage| file? % % The answer is to only find the MD5 sum of \emph{part} of the |.sage| % file. By design, the source file line numbers only appear in calls to % |goboom| and pause/unpause lines, so we will strip those lines out. % What we do below is exactly equivalent to running % \begin{center} % \verb+egrep '^( _st_.goboom|print .SageT)' filename.sage | md5sum+ % \end{center} % in a shell. % \begin{macrocode} def endofdoc(self): sagef = open(self.filename + '.sage', 'r') m = hashlib.md5() for line in sagef: if line[0:12] != " _st_.goboom" and line[0:12] != "print 'SageT": m.update(line) s = '%' + m.hexdigest() + '% md5sum of corresponding .sage file\ (minus "goboom" and pause/unpause lines)\n' self.souttmp.write(s) % \end{macrocode} % Now, we do issue warnings to run Sage on the |.sage| file and an % external program might look for those to detect the need to rerun % Sage, but those warnings do not quite capture all situations. (If % you've already produced the |.sout| file and change a |\sage| call, no % warning will be issued since all the |\ref|s find a |\newlabel|.) % Anyway, I think it's easier to grab an MD5 sum out of the end of the % file than parse the output from running |latex| on your file. (The % regular expression |^%[0-9a-f]{32}%| will find the MD5 sum. Note that % there are percent signs on each side of the hex string.) % % Now we are done with the |.sout.tmp| file. Close it, rename it, and % tell the user we're done. % \begin{macrocode} self.souttmp.close() os.rename(self.filename + '.sout.tmp', self.filename + '.sout') self.progress('Sage processing complete. Run LaTeX on %s.tex again.' %\ self.filename) % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v2.1.1}{2009/05/14}{Fix bug in finding md5 sum introduced by % pause facility} % \end{macro} % \endinput % % Local Variables: % mode: doctex % TeX-master: "sagetexpackage" % End: