% MEMO PSIZZL - memo macros % % \memodate{} The default date is today's date, % but here's how you can change it. % % \memohead{
} This will be the header for the memo % the default is `\bf MEMO' % % \memoto{} To whom the memo is addressed % % \memofrom{} Who it's from % % \memosubject{} The subject of the memo % % \memostyle{\largetype} Your choices about: % \singlesided\doublesided % \singlespace\doublespace % % \memo This specifies that the document is a memo % \begindocument Following this you put the text. % % Enter your text here % % \enddocument This will end the memo % \def\memohead#1{% \def\m@mohead{{#1}}% }\memohead{\bf MEMO}% \def\memodate#1{% \def\m@modate{#1}% }\memodate{\d@te}% \def\memoto#1{% \def\m@moto{#1}% }\memoto{}% \def\memofrom#1{% \def\m@mofrom{#1}% }\memofrom{}% \def\memosubject#1{% \def\m@mosubject{#1}% }\memosubject{}% \def\memostyle#1{% \adddef\stylem@m{#1}% }% \def\stylem@m{% \singlesided\largetype\singlespace }% \newif\ifm@mo \def\memo{% \let\pred@c\prem@m\let\styled@c\stylem@m\let\titd@c\titm@m \let\frontd@c\frontm@m\let\endd@c\endm@m\m@motrue }% \def\p@genumbermemo{% \p@gebanner{\m@modate}{\m@mohead}{\p@genumber}% }% \def\prem@m{\beginbody}% \def\frontm@m{}% \def\endm@m{}% \def\beginmemo{\memo\begindocument}% \def\endmemo{\enddocument}% \def\titm@m{% \fr@nttrue \line{\m@mohead\hfill Date: \m@modate}% \vskip\@nenhalf\normalbaselineskip \vbox{\halign{\parindent\z@ \cp##\hfil\quad&\vtop{\hsize.8\hsize\noindent##}\hfil\cr To:&\m@moto\cr From:&\m@mofrom\cr Subject:&\m@mosubject\cr } }% \par \vskip 3.0ex \hrule height .8pt\vskip 3.0ex }% \def\endm@m{% \par\vfil\@ncl\c@pies\vfil\eject\gdef\c@pies{}\gdef\@ncl{}% }%