+------------------------------+ | The LaTeX-Make system | +------------------------------+ DESCRIPTION =========== This package provides several tools that aim to simplify the compilation of LaTeX documents: * LaTeX.mk: a Makefile snippet to help compiling LaTeX documents in DVI, PDF, PS, ... format. Dependencies are automatically tracked: one should be able to compile documents with a one-line Makefile containing 'include LaTeX.mk'. Complex documents (with multiple bibliographies, indexes, glossaries, ...) should be correctly managed. * figlatex.sty: a LaTeX package to easily insert xfig figures (with \includegraphics{file.fig}). It can interact with LaTeX.mk so that the latter automatically invokes transfig if needed. * And various helper tools for LaTeX.mk Homepage: http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/latex-utils/ License type: gpl INSTALLATION: ============= Full installation: ------------------ This package installs: * TeX files in $(texmf_prefix) a standard TDS is assumed here: see http://www.tug.org/twg/tds/ (with scripts in $(texmf_prefix)/scripts/latex-make) * a symbolic link for the Makefile snipset in $(prefix)/include (to $(texmf_prefix)/scripts/latex-make) Default values are: prefix=/usr/local texmf_prefix=$(prefix)/share/texmf You can make a default install with: make install To install latex-make conforming to the FHS, you can type: make install prefix=/usr To install in HOME directory, you can use: make install prefix=$HOME texmf_prefix=$HOME/texmf In this case, to not forget to invoke make(1) with the '-I' option: make -I${HOME}/include ... If you want to install the files needed in a directory containing a LaTeX document (so that compiling in this directory does not need the installation of this package), please refers to the README file. Note: ***** Do not forget to run "texhash" once you have installed/removed files in a TeX Directory Structure Building main files: -------------------- If you just want to get main files (Makefile snipset, scripts and LaTeX style), type 'make' (or 'make doc' if you also want the documentation) REQUIREMENTS: ============= General: -------- In order to work, LaTeX Make requires: - GNU Make (>= 3.81) type "make --version" to check - a relatively recent LaTeX distribution (teTeX 3.0 should work, TeXLive >= 2005 also) If using figlatex, LaTeX Make also needs: - transfig (>= 3.2.4) for the fig2dev command type "transfig -V" to check - ghostscript that is called by fig2dev type "gs --version" to check Notes for MacOS X users: ------------------------ make 3.81 ********* For now, make 3.81 does not seem to be packaged. You need to compile it by hand. It is easy: 1) get the sources (tar.gz) and unpack them 2) go to the new directory and type: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install 3) add /usr/local/bin in your PATH Note that you can choose another prefix if you like (for example /usr/local/make-3.81). Setup your PATH accordingly in this case. teTeX ***** teTeX can be installed with the Darwin port[1]. Note: the installer requires that /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local is a valid TeX Directory Structure[2]. This is the case with the Darwin port. transfig ******** The transfig package in the stable fink[3] distribution is compiled with an deprecated option. In consequence, fig2dev uses \epsfig instead of \includegraphics in its generated files. One of the three workaround can be used: 1) add \let\epsfig=\includegraphics at the begining of your document (just after the \begin{document}) Of course, this will not work if you were using the deprecated epsfig package. 2) use the transfig-graphicx package from the unstable fink[3] distribution 3) recompile the transfig package without "DDEPSFIG = -DEPSFIG" (look in the applied patch and remove the removal of XCOMM for the line "XCOMM DDEPSFIG = -DEPSFIG" for the file fig2dev/Imakefile) ghostscript *********** The ghostscript package can be found in the stable fink[3] distribution. [1]: http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/ [2]: http://www.tug.org/twg/tds/ [3]: http://fink.sourceforge.net/index.php