This is a fairly dirty hack of Nelson Beebe's HP InkJet driver (dvijet) to support colour printing on the HP Paintjet referred to in TUGboat 11 (1990) p. 652--6; the LaTeX style file upon which the article is based should be available in the contributed styles collection. The driver assumes PaintJet transparency mode (which doesn't make a great deal of difference to paper output, I find). The output is a little faint with the materials we use, but OK for slides. You might also like to investigate the GNU Ghostscript backend for the PaintJet. v 2.1 will cope at least with dvips-generated PostScript, it seems, as long as it doesn't use virtual fonts, whereupon the spacing seems to go wrong. (v 2.1 doesn't have proper save and restore.) You will need Beebe's distribution, v 2.10. If you have the patch program use `patch <dvipj.patch' to patch a few files for the PaintJet (incuding the makefile -- be careful) and then do `make dvipj'. If you don't have patch, you'll have to edit the relevant files by hand on the basis of the `diff' output in dvipj.patch. You probably need to generate the 180dpi pixel files to use it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <disclaimer.h> Snail mail: | JANET: Dr. David Love, | modern BIT/INTERNET: SERC Daresbury Laboratory, | old UUCP: ...!ukc!daresbury! Warrington WA4 4AD, | alternative BITNET: UK | alternative ARPA: