CFLAGS = -f68881 -fsingle -O
LIBS = -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect
BINDIR = /u/tex/bin
MANDIR = /usr/man/manl
ICONDIR = /usr/include/images
FONTOBJ = pkstuff.o
# change the above to pxlstuff.o for pxl format fonts
RHOST = drake
FILES = README Problems Makefile defs.h globals.h commands.h\
		sunstuff.c dvistuff.c pkstuff.c pxlstuff.c textool.l textool.icon

textool: sunstuff.o dvistuff.o ${FONTOBJ}
	cc -o textool ${CFLAGS} sunstuff.o dvistuff.o ${FONTOBJ} ${LIBS}

install: textool
	install -s textool ${BINDIR}

rinstall: ${BINDIR}/textool
	rcp ${BINDIR}/textool ${RHOST}:${BINDIR}

installall: textool textool.l textool.icon
	install -s textool ${BINDIR}
	cp textool.l ${MANDIR}
	cp textool.icon ${ICONDIR}

	rm -rf *.o textool kit

kit: ${FILES}
	tar cvf - ${FILES} | compress | btoa > kit

sunstuff.o: defs.h globals.h
dvistuff.o: defs.h globals.h commands.h
pxlstuff.o: defs.h globals.h
pkstuff.o: defs.h globals.h