% Driver file for Mxedruli font `mxed.mf'
% Designed by Johannes Heinecke                                             %
%             <johannes.heinecke@wanadoo.fr>                                %
% This software is under the LaTeX Project Public License                   %
% Please send any improvements, corrections, suggestions, enhancements etc  %
% to the Author!                                                            %
%                                                                           %
% Version 2.2 as of 5th March 1996                                          %
%                                                                           %
font_coding_scheme:="Mxedruli - Georgian";
if known cmbase: font_setup; fi         % If used with cmbase
let mxedchar=\;

% fontmaking:=1;        % to generate a TFM File during proof-ing

%% Zeichendefinitionsdateien %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if mxcap: input mxedcaps; else: input mxedfont; fi       % the mxedruli alphabet
if unknown cmbase: input mxedd; else: input romand; fi  % digits: if cmbase is
                                                         % used this font will
                                                         % load cm-digits, for
                                                         % they are finer tuned.
if unknown cmbase: input mxedp; else: input punct; fi   % The same for punctuation
input mxedacc;      % Accents

%% Font-Parameter fuer TeX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
font_quad 2.5mxu#;                 % 1 em
font_x_height mxlittle#;           % 1 ex
font_normal_space 3mxu#;           % word gap
font_normal_stretch 2mxu#;         % word gap may stretch by ...
font_normal_shrink 1mxu#;          % word gap my shrink by ...
font_slant slant;

% special "grayfont graylj";     % Only for GFtoDVI on emTeXs METAFONT

%% Ligature-Tables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Palatals:
ligtable "+" : "s" =: oct"005",
               "c" =: oct"001",
               "j" =: oct"010",
               "z" =: oct"007";

% Glottalized stops
ligtable "." : "c" =: oct"000",
               "g" =: oct"002",
               "k" =: oct"003",
               "p" =: oct"004",
               "t" =: oct"006",
               "+" =: ",";

% Old Georgian "ho"
ligtable "o" : "1" =: oct"011",
               oct"005" kern -mxhalf#,
               "z"      kern -.5mxzw#;

% Old Georgian "Short i"
ligtable "i" : "1" =: oct"012",
               oct"005" kern -mxhalf#,
               "z"      kern -.5mxzw#;

% Ossetian "ae" and long "ee"
ligtable "e" : "1" =: oct"013",
               "0" =: oct"016",
               "e" =: oct"016",
               oct"005" kern -mxhalf#,
               "z"      kern -.5mxzw#;

% Variated "b"
if not mxcap: ligtable "b" : "1" =: oct"020"; fi;

% Unaspirated "q"
ligtable "q" : "1" =: oct"015",
               oct"005" kern -mxhalf#, 
               "z"      kern -.5mxzw#;

% Keep the "s" away from letters with an ascender on the right
ligtable oct"004" : oct"007" : "k" : "m" : "x" : "s" kern .5mxzw#;

% two ' make a double quote
ligtable "'" : "'" kern -.8mxzw#;

% two , make a double comma, 
ligtable "," : "," kern -mxzw#,
               "c" =: oct"014";

%% Hyphens etc.
ligtable "-" : "-" =: 123;  % cf. The METAfontbook S. 306
ligtable 123 : "-" =: 124;

% Let "z" and oct005 closer two the little letters
ligtable "a" : "d" : "g" : "l" : "t" : "u" : "p" : oct"002" : "c" : oct"010" :
               oct"005" kern -mxhalf#,
               "1" =: oct"021",
               "z"      kern -.5mxzw#;
