============================================================ Ibycus4 -- News ============================================================ 2004-10-27, version 4.5 Changed directory structure to comply with TDS 1.1. The bold Ibycus font, too, is now available in Postscript format. It was converted from Metafont to Type1 by Harald Harders <h.harders@tu-bs.de>, and is available as fibb84.pfb + fibb84.afm. A record for this font has been added to the map file iby.map. Font file IbycusHTG-Regular.pfb renamed to fibr84.pfb, to comply with Karl-Berry-scheme; map file changed accordingly. The font should now work flawlessly with Acrobat Reader 5; special thanks to Peter Heslin and Ralf Stubner, who succeeded to find and fix a long-standing bug. Fixed definition of the macro \greek, so as to work also with default font encodings other than OT1. New text-generating command \textgreek as a counterpart to the declaration \greek. Changed font definition file Uibycus.fd: * only those fonts are used, that exist actually as Type1; * fonts are declared as scalable; * font definitions now work with VTeX, too. Regular Ibycus font is used as a 1:1 substitute for the MF font now, without going via a virtual font. Virtual fonts and related font metrics are gone. Proper identification messages (\ProvidesPackage) in all LaTeX macro files Patched pssetiby.tex so that only Type1 fonts are used, and that it works with VTeX. -- finis