%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Structure of a MetaPost file using drv % 1. Preamble % input drv; % verbatimtex %&latex % <LaTeX preamble> % \begin{document} % etex; % 2. Figures % <optional drv tunings> % beginfig(<index>) % <judgment & inference declarations> % draw drv_tree; % <optional extra MetaPost code> % endfig; % 3. Postamble % end % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % 1. Preamble % input drv; verbatimtex %&latex % Any piece of code related to font selection in the preamble of % `drv-guide.tex' (document class, font package, font selection commands ...) % should be reported here. \documentclass[twoside,11pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{stmaryrd} % Choose your favourite fonts combination (if available). % See "http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/info/Free_Math_Font_Survey". % %\usepackage{cmbright} % CM text & CM Bright math %\usepackage{ccfonts,eulervm} % Concrete text & Euler math %\usepackage{ccfonts} % Concrete text & math %\usepackage[math]{iwona} % Iwona text & math %\usepackage[math]{kurier} % Kurier text & math %\usepackage[math]{anttor} % Antykwa Torunska text & math %\usepackage{kmath,kerkis} % Kerkis text & math %\usepackage{fouriernc} % New Century Schoolbook & Fourier math %\usepackage{pxfonts} % Palatino & pxfonts math %\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino & Pazo math %\usepackage{mathpple} % Palatino & Euler math \usepackage[varg]{txfonts} % Times & txfonts math %\usepackage{mathtime} % Times & Belleek math %\usepackage{mathptmx} % Times & Symbol math %\usepackage{mbtimes} % Omega Serif text & Omega math %\usepackage{arev} % Arev Sans text with Arev math %\usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} % Bitstream Charter & Math Design math %\usepackage{comicsans} % Comic Sans text & math %\usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} % Garamond & Math Design math %\usepackage{fourier} % Utopia & Fourier math %\usepackage[utopia]{mathdesign} % Utopia & Math Design math \newcommand{\limp}{\thinspace{\multimapinv}\thinspace} \newcommand{\rimp}{\thinspace{\multimap}\thinspace} \begin{document} etex; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % 2. Figures % % % Uncomment the following line to experiment the radial mode. % drv_radial_mode on; % % % title page % beginfig(100) jgm 0 "\Gamma, \Delta, \Theta, \Pi, \Upsilon\vdash F"; jgm 1 "\Pi\vdash (A\to D)\to E"; jgm 2 "\Gamma, \Delta, \Theta, (A\to D)\to E, \Upsilon\vdash F"; jgm 3 "\Gamma, \Delta, \Theta\vdash A\to D"; jgm 4 "A, \Gamma, \Delta, \Theta\vdash D"; jgm 5 "A, \Gamma, \Delta\vdash B\wedge C"; jgm 6 "A, \Gamma\vdash B"; jgm 7 "\Delta\vdash C"; jgm 8 "B\wedge C, \Theta\vdash D"; jgm 9 "E, \Upsilon\vdash F"; nfr 0 (1, 2) ("\text{cut}", 1); nfr 1 () ("\pi", 4); nfr 2 (3, 9) ("\to_L", 1); nfr 3 (4) ("\to_R", 1); nfr 4 (5, 8) ("\text{cut}", 1); nfr 5 (6, 7) ("\wedge_R", 1); nfr 6 () ("\gamma", 2); nfr 7 () ("\delta", 1); nfr 8 () ("\theta", 3); nfr 9 () ("\upsilon", 2); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % first example % beginfig(110) jgm 0 "A\vdash B"; jgm 1 "B\vdash C"; jgm 2 "A\vdash C"; nfr 0 () ("f", 1); nfr 1 () ("g", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % sub-judgments % beginfig(111) jgm 0 "A\vdash B"; jgm 1 "A", "\vdash", "B"; nfr 0 () ("f", 1); nfr 1 (0) ("f", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % inference line styles % beginfig(120) jgm 0 "\text{none}"; jgm 1 "\text{simple}"; jgm 2 "\text{double}"; jgm 3 "\text{dotted}"; jgm 4 "\text{dashed}"; jgm 5 "\text{waved}"; jgm 6 "\text{\TeX-dotted}"; jgm 7 "\text{default}"; nfr 0 ( ) ("\leftarrow 0", 0); nfr 1 (0) ("\leftarrow 1", 1); nfr 2 (1) ("\leftarrow 2", 2); nfr 3 (2) ("\leftarrow 3", 3); nfr 4 (3) ("\leftarrow 4", 4); nfr 5 (4) ("\leftarrow 5", 5); nfr 6 (5) ("\leftarrow 6", 6); nfr 7 (6) ("\leftarrow\_", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % declarations order % beginfig(130) % preorder declarations jgm 0 "0"; jgm 1 "00"; jgm 2 "000"; jgm 3 "001"; jgm 4 "002"; jgm 5 "01"; jgm 6 "010"; jgm 7 "011"; jgm 8 "012"; jgm 9 "02"; jgm 10 "020"; jgm 11 "021"; jgm 12 "022"; nfr 0 (1, 5, 9) ("a", _); nfr 1 (2, 3, 4) ("b", _); nfr 2 () ("c", _); nfr 3 () ("d", _); nfr 4 () ("e", _); nfr 5 (6, 7, 8) ("f", _); nfr 6 () ("g", _); nfr 7 () ("h", _); nfr 8 () ("i", _); nfr 9 (10, 11, 12) ("j", _); nfr 10 () ("k", _); nfr 11 () ("l", _); nfr 12 () ("m", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(131) % postorder declarations jgm 0 "000"; jgm 1 "001"; jgm 2 "002"; jgm 3 "00"; jgm 4 "010"; jgm 5 "011"; jgm 6 "012"; jgm 7 "01"; jgm 8 "020"; jgm 9 "021"; jgm 10 "022"; jgm 11 "02"; jgm 12 "0"; nfr 0 () ("a", _); nfr 1 () ("b", _); nfr 2 () ("c", _); nfr 3 (0, 1, 2) ("d", _); nfr 4 () ("e", _); nfr 5 () ("f", _); nfr 6 () ("g", _); nfr 7 (4, 5, 6) ("h", _); nfr 8 () ("i", _); nfr 9 () ("j", _); nfr 10 () ("k", _); nfr 11 (8, 9, 10) ("l", _); nfr 12 (3, 7, 11) ("m", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % dcl % beginfig(140) dcl 0 () ("f", 1) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 1) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(141) dcl 0 () ("f", 1) "A", "\vdash", "B"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(141) dcl 0 () ("f", 1) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 (0) ("f", 1) "A", "\vdash", "B"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(150) dcl 0 (1, 5, 9) ("a", _) "0"; dcl 1 (2, 3, 4) ("b", _) "00"; dcl 2 () ("c", _) "000"; dcl 3 () ("d", _) "001"; dcl 4 () ("e", _) "002"; dcl 5 (6, 7, 8) ("f", _) "01"; dcl 6 () ("g", _) "010"; dcl 7 () ("h", _) "011"; dcl 8 () ("i", _) "012"; dcl 9 (10, 11, 12) ("j", _) "02"; dcl 10 () ("k", _) "020"; dcl 11 () ("l", _) "021"; dcl 12 () ("m", _) "022"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % bxd % beginfig(160) dcl 0 (1, 4) ("", _) "a"; dcl 1 (2) ("", _) "a"; dcl 2 (3) ("", _) "a"; dcl 3 () ("", _) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 4 () ("", _) "aaaaa"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(161) dcl 0 (bxd 1, 4) ("", _) "a"; dcl 1 (2) ("", _) "a"; dcl 2 (3) ("", _) "a"; dcl 3 () ("", _) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 4 () ("", _) "aaaaa"; draw drv_tree; endfig; vardef auxbox[]= if drv_radialmode_on: save l_ngl, r_ngl, min_rad, max_rad, tnum; numeric l_ngl, r_ngl, min_rad, max_rad, tnum; l_ngl:=ngl_part sub_lmost_ppt[@]; r_ngl:=ngl_part sub_rmost_ppt[@]; tnum:=if bot_jdg[@]: - fi 1; min_rad:=iln[ccl[@]].rad+iln[ccl[@]].hg+min_clr_scl*min_clr[drv_sty]/2; max_rad:=sub_max_rad[@]+min_clr_scl*min_clr[drv_sty]/2; ((dir l_ngl) scaled min_rad--(dir l_ngl) scaled max_rad {dir (l_ngl+tnum*90)} .. {dir (r_ngl+tnum*90)} (dir r_ngl) scaled max_rad--(dir r_ngl) scaled min_rad {dir (r_ngl-tnum*90)} .. {dir (l_ngl-tnum*90)} cycle) shifted jdg[@].org else: ((sub_min_x[@], ypart iln[ccl[@]].c+iln[ccl[@]].hg)-- (sub_min_x[@], sub_max_y[@])-- (sub_max_x[@], sub_max_y[@])-- (sub_max_x[@], ypart iln[ccl[@]].c+iln[ccl[@]].hg)-- cycle) shifted (0, min_clr_scl*min_clr[drv_sty]/2) fi enddef; beginfig(162) dcl 0 (bxd 1, 4) ("", _) "a"; dcl 1 (2) ("", _) "a"; dcl 2 (3) ("", _) "a"; dcl 3 () ("", _) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 4 () ("", _) "aaaaa"; draw drv_tree; draw auxbox[1] withcolor (1, 0, 0); endfig; % % mvd % beginfig(170) jgm 1 "aaa"; jgm 2 "bbb"; jgm 3 "ccc"; jgm 4 "d"; nfr 1 () ("", _); nfr 2 () ("", _); nfr 3 () ("", _); nfr 4 (mvd 1 (2, 3), 2, 3) ("", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(171) jgm 1 "aaa"; jgm 2 "bbb"; jgm 3 "ccc"; jgm 4 "d"; nfr 1 () ("", _); nfr 2 () ("", _); nfr 3 () ("", _); nfr 4 (1, mvd 2 (2, 4), 3) ("", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(172) jgm 1 "aaa"; jgm 2 "bbb"; jgm 3 "ccc"; jgm 4 "d"; nfr 1 () ("", _); nfr 2 () ("", _); nfr 3 () ("", _); nfr 4 (1, 2, mvd 3 (2, 6)) ("", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(180) jgm 0 "\textsc{Size matters -- Part 1}"; jgm 1 "\text{Here is a rather long judgment"& % string concatenation " that I don't want to shorten.}"; jgm 2 "\text{Will the derivation tree fit on the page?}"; jgm 3 "\text{It does.}"; nfr 0 () ("", 0); nfr 1 (0) ("", 1); nfr 2 () ("", 1); nfr 3 (mvd 1 (2, 3), 2) ("", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % Nfr % beginfig(190) jgm 0 "a"; jgm 1 "b"; jgm 2 "c"; jgm 3 "d"; Nfr 0 () ("0", "", "", _); Nfr 1 () ("1", "", "", _); Nfr 2 (0, 1) ("2", "E", "", _); Nfr 3 (2) ("3", "", "F", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % Dcl % beginfig(200) Dcl 0 () ("", "", "", _) "a"; Dcl 1 (0) ("", "", "B", _) "c"; Dcl 2 () ("", "", "", _) "d"; Dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", "E", "", _) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % Mvd % beginfig(210) jgm 1 "aaa"; jgm 2 "bbb"; jgm 3 "ccc"; nfr 1 () ("", _); nfr 2 () ("", _); nfr 3 (Mvd 1 (2, "d", "", 3), 2) ("", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_font_size % drv_font_size "\tiny"; beginfig(220) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_font_size "\small"; beginfig(221) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_font_size "\Large"; beginfig(222) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_font_size "\normalsize"; % % drv_math_style (drv, ); % beginfig(230) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (drv, "\textstyle"); beginfig(231) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (drv, "\scriptstyle"); beginfig(232) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (drv, "\displaystyle"); % % drv_math_style (jdg, ); % drv_math_style (jdg, "\displaystyle"); beginfig(240) jgm 1 "\bigwedge_{i\in I} A_i"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (jdg, "\textstyle"); beginfig(241) jgm 1 "\bigwedge_{i\in I} A_i"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (jdg, "\scriptstyle"); beginfig(242) jgm 1 "\bigwedge_{i\in I} A_i"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); Nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", "4", "", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (jdg, "\textstyle"); % % drv_math_style (ilb, ); % drv_math_style (ilb, "\textstyle"); beginfig(250) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (ilb, "\scriptstyle"); beginfig(251) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (ilb, "\scriptscriptstyle"); beginfig(252) jgm 1 "a"; jgm 2 "b"; jgm 3 "c"; nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 () ("2", 1); nfr 3 (1, 2) ("3", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (ilb, "\scriptstyle"); % % drv_scale (clr, ); % drv_scale (clr, 0); beginfig(260) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "\Bigl(a\Bigr)"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (clr, 1); beginfig(261) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "\Bigl(a\Bigr)"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (clr, 2.5); beginfig(262) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "\Bigl(a\Bigr)"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (clr, 4); beginfig(263) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "\Bigl(a\Bigr)"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (clr, 1); % % drv_scale (prm, ); % drv_scale (prm, 0); beginfig(270) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (prm, 1); beginfig(271) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (prm, 2.5); beginfig(272) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (prm, 4); beginfig(273) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (prm, 1); % % drv_scale (jgm, ); % drv_scale (jgm, 0); beginfig(280) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (jgm, 1); beginfig(281) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (jgm, 2.5); beginfig(282) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (jgm, 4); beginfig(283) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (jgm, 1); % % drv_scale (ilb, ); % drv_scale (ilb, 0); beginfig(290) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (ilb, 1); beginfig(291) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (ilb, 2.5); beginfig(292) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (ilb, 4); beginfig(293) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (ilb, 1); % % drv_junction_style % drv_junction_style 0; beginfig(300) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (3) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 (4) ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 6 () ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 7 (6) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 8 (7) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 9 (5, 8) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_junction_style 1; beginfig(301) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (3) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 (4) ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 6 () ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 7 (6) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 8 (7) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 9 (5, 8) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; draw auxbox[8] withcolor .9(1, 1, 1); endfig; drv_junction_style 2; beginfig(302) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (3) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 (4) ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 6 () ("", 1) "aaaaaa"; dcl 7 (6) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 8 (7) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 9 (5, 8) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; draw auxbox[5] withcolor .9(1, 1, 1); draw auxbox[8] withcolor .9(1, 1, 1); endfig; drv_junction_style 1; % % drv_alignment_style % drv_alignment_style l; beginfig(310) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 6 (4, 5) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 7 (3, 6) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_alignment_style c; beginfig(311) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 6 (4, 5) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 7 (3, 6) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_alignment_style r; beginfig(312) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 6 (4, 5) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 7 (3, 6) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_alignment_style c; % % drv_labels_position % drv_labels_position l; beginfig(320) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_labels_position r; beginfig(321) dcl 1 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("b", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("b", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_roots_position % drv_roots_position t; beginfig(330) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 6 (4, 5) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 7 (3, 6) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; drv_axis (iln, 3); endfig; drv_roots_position b; beginfig(331) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 5 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 6 (4, 5) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 7 (3, 6) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_axis_reference % beginfig(340) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_axis_reference jdg; beginfig(341) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 2 () ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_axis_reference iln; % % drv_left_delimiter % drv_left_delimiter "("; beginfig(350) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_left_delimiter "\lfloor"; beginfig(351) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_left_delimiter "."; beginfig(352) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_left_delimiter "\lbrace"; % % drv_right_delimiter % drv_right_delimiter "\rangle"; beginfig(360) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_right_delimiter "\uparrow"; beginfig(361) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_right_delimiter "."; beginfig(362) dcl 1 () ("", 1) "a"; Dcl 2 (1) ("", "", "B", 1) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", 1) "d"; Dcl 4 (2, 3) ("", "E", "", 1) "f"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_right_delimiter "\rbrace"; % % drv_box_mode % drv_box_mode on; beginfig(370) dcl 0 () ("", 1) "aaaaa"; dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(371) dcl 0 () ("", 1) "aaaaa"; dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; for idx=0, 1, 2, 3: draw auxbox[idx] withcolor (1, 0, 0); endfor endfig; drv_box_mode off; beginfig(372) dcl 0 () ("", 1) "aaaaa"; dcl 1 () ("", 1) "aaaaaaa"; dcl 2 (1) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 3 (2) ("", 1) "a"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("", 1) "a"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_fraction_mode % beginfig(380) jgm 0 "\overbrace{A, \Gamma\vdash B}"; jgm 1 "B, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 2 "A, \Gamma, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 3 "\Gamma, \Delta\vdash A\to C"; nfr 0 () ("", 0); nfr 1 () ("", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\text{cut}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\to_R", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_fraction_mode off; beginfig(381) jgm 0 "\overbrace{A, \Gamma\vdash B}"; jgm 1 "B, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 2 "A, \Gamma, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 3 "\Gamma, \Delta\vdash A\to C"; nfr 0 () ("", 0); nfr 1 () ("", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\text{cut}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\to_R", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_fraction_mode on; beginfig(382) jgm 0 "\overbrace{A, \Gamma\vdash B}"; jgm 1 "B, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 2 "A, \Gamma, \Delta\vdash C"; jgm 3 "\Gamma, \Delta\vdash A\to C"; nfr 0 () ("", 1); nfr 1 () ("", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\text{cut}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\to_R", 1); draw drv_tree; draw iln[0] withcolor background withpen drv_pen scaled 2; draw iln[0] withcolor (1, 0, 0); endfig; % % drv_proof_mode % drv_proof_mode on; beginfig(390) jgm 0 "A", "\vdash", "A"; jgm 1 "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 2 "A", ",", "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 3 "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "A", "\multimap", "B"; nfr 0 () ("1", 1); nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\multimap_{L}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\multimap_{R}", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_proof_mode off; beginfig(391) jgm 0 "A", "\vdash", "A"; jgm 1 "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 2 "A", ",", "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 3 "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "A", "\multimap", "B"; nfr 0 () ("1", 1); nfr 1 () ("1", 1); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\multimap_{L}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\multimap_{R}", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % a fraction % drv_font_size "\huge"; drv_scale (jgm, 0); beginfig(400) dcl 0 ( ) ("", 0) "\gamma"; dcl 1 (0) ("", 1) "\delta"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_font_size "\normalsize"; drv_scale (jgm, 1); % % drv_bbox % beginfig(410) dcl 0 (1, 5) ("", _) "a"; dcl 1 (2, 3, 4) ("", _) "b"; dcl 2 () ("", _) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", _) "d"; dcl 4 () ("", _) "e"; dcl 5 () ("", _) "f"; fill drv_bbox 1 withcolor (255, 230, 205)/255; % rgb color draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(411) dcl 0 (bxd 1, 5) ("", _) "a"; dcl 1 (2, 3, 4) ("", _) "b"; dcl 2 () ("", _) "c"; dcl 3 () ("", _) "d"; dcl 4 () ("", _) "e"; dcl 5 () ("", _) "f"; fill drv_bbox 1 withcolor (255, 230, 205)/255; % rgb color draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_axis % beginfig(420) Dcl 0 ( ) ("", "", "", _) "a"; Dcl 1 (0) ("", "{}", "", _) "b"; draw drv_tree; drv_axis (iln, 0); endfig; beginfig(421) Dcl 0 ( ) ("", "", "", _) "a"; Dcl 1 (0) ("", "{}", "", _) "b"; draw drv_tree; drv_axis (jdg, 1); endfig; beginfig(422) Dcl 0 ( ) ("", "", "", _) "a"; Dcl 1 (0) ("", "{}", "", _) "b"; draw drv_tree; drv_axis (dlm, 1); endfig; % % NFR % beginfig(430) jgm 0 "a"; NFR 0 () ("1", "2", "3", "4", _, _, _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % DCL % beginfig(440) DCL 0 () ("1", "", "", "", _, _, _) "a"; DCL 1 () ("", "2", "", "", _, _, _) "b"; DCL 2 (0, 1) ("", "", "3", "", _, _, _) "c"; DCL 3 (2) ("", "", "", "4", _, _, _) "d"; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % MVD % beginfig(450) jgm 0 "a"; jgm 1 "b"; jgm 2 "cccccc"; jgm 3 "ddd"; jgm 4 "eeeeeeeee"; nfr 0 (1, MVD 4 (5, "", "F", r, 4)) ("", _); nfr 1 (MVD 2 (2, "G", "", l, 3), 3) ("", _); nfr 2 () ("", _); nfr 3 () ("", _); nfr 4 () ("", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(460) jgm 0 "\textsc{Size matters -- Part 2}"; jgm 1 "\text{Here is an even longer judgment"& " that I don't want to shorten either.}"; jgm 2 "\text{This time I'm pretty sure that the"& " derivation tree won't fit on the page.}"; jgm 3 "\text{It does! Amazing.}"; nfr 0 () ("", 0); nfr 1 (0) ("", 1); nfr 2 () ("", 1); nfr 3 (MVD 1 (2, "", "", l, 3), 2) ("", 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % Components and central points % drv_font_size "\large"; beginfig(470) % components DCL 6 () ("", "", "", "", _, _, 0) "0"; DCL 7 (6) ("(1)", "(2)", "(3)", "(4)", _, _, 1) "A", "B"; drv_freeze; % usually called by drv_tree draw jdg[6]; % judgment 0 draw sbj[7][0] withcolor (0, 0, 1); % sub-judgment A draw sbj[7][1] withcolor (0, 1, 0); % sub-judgment B draw l_ilb[7] withcolor (0, 1, 1); % left inference label (1) draw r_ilb[7] withcolor (1, 0, 0); % right inference label (2) draw l_dlb[7] withcolor (1, 0, 1); % left delimiter label (3) draw r_dlb[7] withcolor (1, 1, 0); % right delimiter label (4) draw l_dlm[7]; % left delimiter draw iln[7]; % inference line draw r_dlm[7]; % right delimiter endfig; beginfig(471) % central points DCL 6 () ("", "", "", "", _, _, 0) "0"; DCL 7 (6) ("(1)", "(2)", "(3)", "(4)", _, _, 1) "A", "B"; pickup pencircle scaled 2.5; draw drv_tree withcolor .75(1, 1, 1); draw jdg[6].c; % judgment 0 draw sbj[7][0].c withcolor (0, 0, 1); % sub-judgment A draw sbj[7][1].c withcolor (0, 1, 0); % sub-judgment B draw l_ilb[7].c withcolor (0, 1, 1); % left inference label (1) draw r_ilb[7].c withcolor (1, 0, 0); % right inference label (2) draw l_dlb[7].c withcolor (1, 0, 1); % left delimiter label (3) draw r_dlb[7].c withcolor (1, 1, 0); % right delimiter label (4) draw l_dlm[7].c; % left delimiter draw iln[7].c; % inference line draw r_dlm[7].c; % right delimiter endfig; drv_font_size "\normalsize"; % % Dimensions % vardef aux_drawdblarrow expr pth= save ah; path ah; ah:=ahlength*(dir (180-ahangle/2))--(0, 0)-- ahlength*(dir (180+ahangle/2)); if direction infinity of pth<>(0, 0): draw pth; draw ah rotated (angle (direction infinity of pth)) shifted (point infinity of pth); draw ah rotated (180+angle (direction -infinity of pth)) shifted (point -infinity of pth); fi enddef; drv_box "jdg_ma[]", "jdg_cp[]", "jdg_hg[]", "jdg_dp[]", "iln_cp[]", "n_hg", "d_dp"; for idx=0, 1: box_init jdg_ma[idx](mth_tex[1]"\textit{math axis}"); box_init jdg_cp[idx](mth_tex[2]"\texttt{jdg["&decimal idx&"].c}"); box_init jdg_hg[idx](mth_tex[1]"\texttt{jdg["&decimal idx&"].hg}"); box_init jdg_dp[idx](mth_tex[1]"\texttt{jdg["&decimal idx&"].dp}"); box_init iln_cp[idx](mth_tex[2]"\texttt{iln["&decimal idx&"].c}"); endfor box_init n_hg(mth_tex[1]"\texttt{num\_hg}"); box_init d_dp(mth_tex[1]"\texttt{den\_dp}"); drv_font_size "\fontsize{95}{0}"; beginfig(480) dcl 0 () ("", 0) "\gamma"; dcl 1 (0) ("", 1) "\delta"; draw drv_tree withcolor .75*background; interim linejoin:=beveled; interim ahangle:=60; lref[0]:=xpart iln[1].l-20pt; lref[1]:=xpart iln[1].l-10pt; lref[2]:=xpart iln[1].l-25pt; rref[0]:=xpart iln[1].r+20pt; rref[1]:=xpart iln[1].r+10pt; rref[2]:=xpart iln[1].r+25pt; for idx=0, 1: forsuffixes sfx=l, c ,r: draw jdg[idx].sfx withpen pencircle scaled 2.5; endfor lx[idx]:=xpart jdg[idx].l; rx[idx]:=xpart jdg[idx].r; ty[idx]:=ypart jdg[idx].c+jdg[idx].hg; cy[idx]:=ypart jdg[idx].c; by[idx]:=ypart jdg[idx].c+jdg[idx].dp; for pth= (lx[idx], ty[idx])--(rref[0], ty[idx]), (lref[0], cy[idx])--(rref[0], cy[idx]), (lx[idx], by[idx])--(rref[0], by[idx]), (lx[idx], ty[idx])--(lx[idx], by[idx]), (rx[idx], ty[idx])--(rx[idx], by[idx]): draw pth dashed evenly scaled .5; endfor for pth= (rref[1], ty[idx])--(rref[1], cy[idx]), (rref[1], cy[idx])--(rref[1], by[idx]): aux_drawdblarrow pth; endfor jdg_ma[idx].r=(lref[2], cy[idx]); jdg_cp[idx].c=jdg[idx].c shifted (0, -7.5pt); jdg_hg[idx].l=(rref[2], (ty[idx]+cy[idx])/2); jdg_dp[idx].l=(rref[2], (cy[idx]+by[idx])/2); forsuffixes sfx=jdg_ma, jdg_cp, jdg_hg, jdg_dp: box_freeze sfx[idx]; draw sfx[idx]; endfor endfor draw iln[1].c withpen pencircle scaled 2.5; iln_cp[1].c=iln[1].c shifted (0, -7.5pt); box_freeze iln_cp[1]; draw iln_cp[1]; iln_y:=ypart iln[1].c; draw (lref[0], iln_y)--(rref[0], iln_y) dashed evenly scaled .5; aux_drawdblarrow (lref[1], cy[0])--(lref[1], iln_y); aux_drawdblarrow (lref[1], iln_y)--(lref[1], cy[1]); n_hg.r=(lref[2], (cy[0]+iln_y)/2); d_dp.r=(lref[2], (iln_y+cy[1])/2); forsuffixes sfx=n_hg, d_dp: box_freeze sfx; draw sfx; endfor endfig; drv_font_size "\normalsize"; % % drv_styled % beginfig(490) jgm 4 "A", "\vdash", "A"; jgm 5 "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 6 "A", ",", "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "B"; jgm 7 "A", "\multimap", "B", "\vdash", "A", "\multimap", "B"; nfr 4 () ("1", _); nfr 5 () ("1", _); nfr 6 (4, 5) ("\multimap_{L}", _); nfr 7 (6) ("\multimap_{R}", _); drv_freeze; draw (sbj[7][2].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. sbj[7][2].c {up} .. sbj[6][4].c .. sbj[5][0].c .. tension 1.05 .. sbj[5][2].c .. sbj[6][6].c .. sbj[7][6].c {down} .. sbj[7][6].c shifted (0, -num_hg)) drv_styled 2 withcolor (1, 0, 0); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % ``User specified'' junction style % beginfig(500) jgm 0 "{\cdot}"; jgm 1 "{\cdot}"; jgm 2 "\text{You may check that"& if drv_radialmode_on: " the angle between the two dots above is 45$^\circ$.}" else: " the distance between the two dots above is 5 cm.}" fi; NFR 0 () ("", "", "", "", _, _, _); NFR 1 () ("", "", "", "", _, _, _); NFR 2 (0, 1) ("", "", "", "", 3, _, _); % caution: 3 if drv_radialmode_on: jdg[1].lng=jdg[0].rng-45; else: xpart jdg[1].c=xpart jdg[0].c+5cm; fi draw drv_tree; endfig; % % ``User specified'' alignment style % beginfig(510) % "\vdash": jgm 0 "B, A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "C"; % sbj[0][1] jgm 1 "A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "B\multimap C"; % sbj[1][1] jgm 2 "\Gamma", "\vdash", "A\multimap(B\multimap C)"; % sbj[2][1] NFR_opt 0 () () () (_, _, 0); NFR_opt 1 (0) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u NFR_opt 2 (1) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u if drv_radialmode_on: sbj[1][1].cng=sbj[0][1].cng; sbj[2][1].cng=sbj[1][1].cng; else: xpart sbj[1][1].c=xpart sbj[0][1].c; xpart sbj[2][1].c=xpart sbj[1][1].c; fi draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(511) % "\vdash": jgm 0 "B, A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "C"; % sbj[0][1] jgm 1 "A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "B\multimap C"; % sbj[1][1] jgm 2 "\Gamma", "\vdash", "A\multimap(B\multimap C)"; % sbj[2][1] NFR_opt 0 () () () (_, _, 0); NFR_opt 1 (0) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u NFR_opt 2 (1) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u if drv_radialmode_on: sbj[1][1].lng=sbj[0][1].rng; sbj[2][1].lng=sbj[1][1].rng; else: xpart sbj[1][1].l=xpart sbj[0][1].r; xpart sbj[2][1].l=xpart sbj[1][1].r; fi draw drv_tree; endfig; % % debugging % beginfig(520) jgm 0 "A\vdash B"; jgm 1 "B\vdash C"; jgm 2 "A\vdash C"; jgm 3 "C\vdash D"; jgm 4 "A\vdash D"; nfr 0 () ("f", _); nfr 1 () ("g", _); nfr 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", _); nfr 3 () ("h", _); nfr 4 (2, 3) ("\circ", _); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % derivation forests % beginfig(530) % first tree dcl 10 () ("", _) "a"; % second tree dcl 20 (21, 22) ("", _) "d"; dcl 21 () ("", _) "b"; dcl 22 () ("", _) "c"; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(531) % first tree dcl 10 () ("", _) "a"; % second tree dcl 20 (21, 22) ("", _) "d"; dcl 21 () ("", _) "b"; dcl 22 () ("", _) "c"; % relative positionning if drv_radialmode_on: jdg[10].rad=jdg[22].rad; else: ypart jdg[10].c=ypart jdg[22].c; fi draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(532) % first tree dcl 10 () ("", _) "a"; % second tree dcl 20 (21, 22) ("", _) "d"; dcl 21 () ("", _) "b"; dcl 22 () ("", _) "c"; % relative positionning if drv_radialmode_on: iln[10].rng=iln[20].lng; else: xpart iln[10].r=xpart iln[20].l; fi draw drv_tree; endfig; % % drv_root % beginfig(533) % first tree dcl 10 () ("", _) "a"; % second tree dcl 20 (21, 22) ("", _) "d"; dcl 21 () ("", _) "b"; dcl 22 () ("", _) "c"; drv_root (20, t); % root at top! draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_left_delimiter "\downarrow"; drv_right_delimiter "\uparrow"; beginfig(540) % first tree jgm 10 "A\vdash D"; Nfr 10 (11, 14) ("\circ", "h\circ (g\circ f)", "", 1); dcl 11 (12, 13) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; dcl 12 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 13 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 14 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; % second tree jgm 20 "\phantom{A\vdash D}"; Nfr 20 (21, 22) ("\circ", "", "(h\circ g)\circ f", 1); dcl 21 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 22 (23, 24) ("\circ", 1) "B\vdash D"; dcl 23 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 24 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; drv_root (20, t); % root at top! % overlapping jdg[10].c=jdg[20].c; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_left_delimiter "\lbrace"; drv_right_delimiter "\rbrace"; % % drv_radial_mode % drv_radial_mode on; beginfig(550) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("\circ", 1) "B\vdash D"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash D"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_roots_position t; beginfig(551) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("\circ", 1) "B\vdash D"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash D"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_roots_position b; drv_radial_mode off; beginfig(552) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("\circ", 1) "B\vdash D"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash D"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_roots_position t; beginfig(553) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 () ("h", 4) "C\vdash D"; dcl 3 (1, 2) ("\circ", 1) "B\vdash D"; dcl 4 (0, 3) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash D"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_roots_position b; % % drv_scale (crv, ); % drv_radial_mode on; drv_scale (crv, 0.5); beginfig(560) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (crv, 1); beginfig(561) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (crv, 2); beginfig(562) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (crv, 4); beginfig(563) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_scale (crv, 1); drv_radial_mode off; % % drv_azimuth % drv_radial_mode on; drv_azimuth 120; beginfig(570) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_azimuth 90; beginfig(571) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_azimuth 60; beginfig(572) dcl 0 () ("f", 2) "A\vdash B"; dcl 1 () ("g", 3) "B\vdash C"; dcl 2 (0, 1) ("\circ", 1) "A\vdash C"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_azimuth 90; drv_radial_mode off; % % Size matters - Part 3 % drv_radial_mode on; beginfig(580) dcl 0 () ("", 0) "\textsc{Size matters -- Part 3}"; dcl 1 (0) ("", 1) "\text{How could this very long judgment fit on the page"& " without being desperately bent into a circle arc ?}"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_radial_mode off; % % User specified junction and alignment styles % drv_radial_mode on; beginfig(590) % "\vdash": jgm 0 "B, A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "C"; % sbj[0][1] jgm 1 "A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "B\multimap C"; % sbj[1][1] jgm 2 "\Gamma", "\vdash", "A\multimap(B\multimap C)"; % sbj[2][1] NFR_opt 0 () () () (_, _, 0); NFR_opt 1 (0) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u NFR_opt 2 (1) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u sbj[1][1].cng=sbj[0][1].cng; sbj[2][1].cng=sbj[1][1].cng; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(591) % "\vdash": jgm 0 "B, A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "C"; % sbj[0][1] jgm 1 "A, \Gamma", "\vdash", "B\multimap C"; % sbj[1][1] jgm 2 "\Gamma", "\vdash", "A\multimap(B\multimap C)"; % sbj[2][1] NFR_opt 0 () () () (_, _, 0); NFR_opt 1 (0) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u NFR_opt 2 (1) ("\multimap_R") () (_, u, 1); % caution: u sbj[1][1].lng=sbj[0][1].rng; sbj[2][1].lng=sbj[1][1].rng; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_radial_mode off; % % example - triple unit % string id, Llimp, Rlimp, Lrimp, Rrimp; id:="\text{id}"; Llimp:="\overset{\multimapinv}{\eta}"; Rlimp:="\overset{\multimapinv}{\varepsilon}"; Lrimp:="\overset{\multimap}{\eta}"; Rrimp:="\overset{\multimap}{\varepsilon}"; beginfig(600) jgm 10 "1\limp(a\rimp 1)\otimes\bigl(1\limp(a\rimp 1)\bigr)\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 11 "1\limp(a\rimp 1)\vdash 1\limp(a\rimp 1)"; jgm 12 "1\limp(a\rimp 1)\otimes a\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 13 "a\rimp 1\vdash a\rimp 1"; jgm 14 "a\otimes a\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 15 "a\vdash a"; jgm 16 "1\vdash 1"; jgm 17 "1\vdash 1"; jgm 18 "1\vdash 1"; nfr 10 (11, 18) (Lrimp, 1); nfr 11 (12) (Rlimp, 1); nfr 12 (13, 17) (Llimp, 1); nfr 13 (14) (Rrimp, 1); nfr 14 (15, 16) (Lrimp, 1); nfr 15 () (id, 1); nfr 16 () (id, 1); nfr 17 () (id, 1); nfr 18 () (id, 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(601) jgm 20 "1\limp(a\rimp 1)\otimes\bigl(1\limp(a\rimp 1)\bigr)\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 21 "\bigl(1\limp(a\rimp 1)\bigr)\rimp 1\vdash a\rimp 1"; jgm 22 "a\otimes\bigl(1\limp(a\rimp 1)\bigr)\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 23 "a\vdash 1\limp(a\rimp 1)"; jgm 24 "a\otimes a\rimp 1\vdash 1"; jgm 25 "a\vdash a"; jgm 26 "1\vdash 1"; jgm 27 "1\vdash 1"; jgm 28 "1\vdash 1"; nfr 20 (21, 28) (Llimp, 1); nfr 21 (22) (Rrimp, 1); nfr 22 (23, 27) (Lrimp, 1); nfr 23 (24) (Rlimp, 1); nfr 24 (25, 26) (Lrimp, 1); nfr 25 () (id, 1); nfr 26 () (id, 1); nfr 27 () (id, 1); nfr 28 () (id, 1); draw drv_tree; endfig; % % example - Restall % string Lor, Ror[], Land[], Rand; Lor:="\vee L"; Ror1:="\vee R_1"; Ror2:="\vee R_2"; Land1:="\wedge L_1"; Land2:="\wedge L_2"; Rand:="\wedge R"; beginfig(610) jgm 0 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))"; jgm 1 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash p"; jgm 2 "p\vdash p"; jgm 3 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 4 "q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 5 "q\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 6 "q\vdash q"; jgm 7 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 8 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_1\wedge r_2"; jgm 9 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_1"; jgm 10 "r_1\vdash r_1"; jgm 11 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_2"; jgm 12 "r_2\vdash r_2"; nfr 0 (1, 3) (Rand, 1); nfr 1 (2) (Land1, 1); nfr 2 () ("", 0); nfr 3 (bxd 4) (Land2, 1); % fig. 611 -> nfr 3 (mvd 4 (1, 3)) nfr 4 (5, 7) (Lor, 1); % fig. 611 -> Nfr nfr 5 (6) (Ror1, 1); nfr 6 () ("", 0); nfr 7 (bxd 8) (Ror2, 1); % fig. 611 -> nfr 7 (mvd 8 (1, 3)) nfr 8 (9, 11) (Rand, 1); % fig. 611 -> Nfr nfr 9 (10) (Land1, 1); nfr 10 () ("", 0); nfr 11 (12) (Land2, 1); nfr 12 () ("", 0); fill drv_bbox 4 withcolor (255, 230, 205)/255; fill drv_bbox 8 withcolor (236, 211, 185)/255; draw drv_tree; endfig; beginfig(611) jgm 0 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))"; jgm 1 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash p"; jgm 2 "p\vdash p"; jgm 3 "p\wedge(q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2))\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 4 "q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 5 "q\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 6 "q\vdash q"; jgm 7 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)"; jgm 8 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_1\wedge r_2"; jgm 9 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_1"; jgm 10 "r_1\vdash r_1"; jgm 11 "r_1\wedge r_2\vdash r_2"; jgm 12 "r_2\vdash r_2"; nfr 0 (1, 3) (Rand, 1); nfr 1 (2) (Land1, 1); nfr 2 () ("", 0); nfr 3 (mvd 4 (1, 3)) (Land2, 1); Nfr 4 (5, 7) (Lor, "\text{Id\,}_{q\vee(r_1\wedge r_2)}", "", 1); nfr 5 (6) (Ror1, 1); nfr 6 () ("", 0); nfr 7 (mvd 8 (1, 3)) (Ror2, 1); Nfr 8 (9, 11) (Rand, "\text{Id\,}_{r_1\wedge r_2}", "", 1); nfr 9 (10) (Land1, 1); nfr 10 () ("", 0); nfr 11 (12) (Land2, 1); nfr 12 () ("", 0); fill drv_bbox 4 withcolor (255, 230, 205)/255; fill drv_bbox 8 withcolor (236, 211, 185)/255; draw drv_tree; endfig; % % example - Roegel % drv_junction_style 0; drv_scale (jdg, 0.9); drv_scale (prm, 0.9); vardef mix[]= "\textit{mix}("&(decimal @)&")" enddef; beginfig(620) jgm 0 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma'\vdash\Delta, \Delta'_A"; jgm 1 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma', \Gamma_A, \Gamma', \Gamma_A, \Gamma'\vdash"& "\Delta, \Delta'_A, \Delta, \Delta'_A, \Delta, \Delta'_A"; jgm 2 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma', \Gamma_A\vdash"& % a space character is " C, \Delta, \Delta'_A, \Delta, \Delta'_A"; % needed before 'C'! jgm 3 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma'\vdash B, C, \Delta, \Delta'_A"; jgm 4 "\Gamma, B\vee C\vdash \Delta"; jgm 5 "\Gamma, B\vdash \Delta"; jgm 6 "\Pi_1"; jgm 7 "\Gamma, C\vdash \Delta"; jgm 8 "\Pi_2"; jgm 9 "\Gamma'\vdash B, C, \Delta'"; jgm 10 "\Pi_3"; jgm 11 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma', B\vdash\Delta, \Delta'_A"; jgm 12 "\Gamma, B\vdash \Delta"; jgm 13 "\Pi_1"; jgm 14 "\Gamma'\vdash B\vee C, \Delta'"; jgm 15 "\Gamma'\vdash B, C, \Delta'"; jgm 16 "\Pi_3"; jgm 17 "\Gamma_A, \Gamma', C\vdash\Delta, \Delta'_A"; jgm 18 "\Gamma, C\vdash \Delta"; jgm 19 "\Pi_2"; jgm 20 "\Gamma'\vdash B\vee C, \Delta'"; jgm 21 "\Gamma'\vdash B, C, \Delta'"; jgm 22 "\Pi_3"; nfr 0 (1) ("\text{contr$_g$, contr$_d$}", 1); nfr 1 (2, 17) (mix5, 1); nfr 2 (mvd 3 (5, 6), 11) (mix3 , 1); nfr 3 (4, 9) (mix1, 1); nfr 4 (5, 7) ("\vee_g", 1); nfr 5 (mvd 6 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 6 () ("", 0); nfr 7 (mvd 8 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 8 () ("", 0); nfr 9 (mvd 10 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 10 () ("", 0); nfr 11 (12, 14) (mix2, 1); nfr 12 (mvd 13 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 13 () ("", 0); nfr 14 (15) ("\vee_d", 1); nfr 15 (mvd 16 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 16 () ("", 0); nfr 17 (18, 20) (mix4, 1); nfr 18 (mvd 19 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 19 () ("", 0); nfr 20 (21) ("\vee_d", 1); nfr 21 (mvd 22 (1, 6)) ("", 0); nfr 22 () ("", 0); draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_junction_style 1; drv_scale (jdg, 1); drv_scale (prm, 1); % % example - Lutz % drv_math_style (ilb, "\textstyle"); drv_labels_position (ilb, l); drv_scale (clr, 1.5); drv_axis_reference jdg; string neg, par, otm; neg:="^\bot"; par:="\mathbin{\bindnasrepma}"; % from stmaryrd.sty otm:="\otimes"; beginfig(630) % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jgm 0 "a", neg, par, "a"; jgm 1 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "(", "a", par, "a", neg, ")", ")"; jgm 2 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "a", neg; jgm 3 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "(", "(", "a", par, "a", neg, ")", otm, "a", neg, ")"; jgm 4 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "a", par, "(", "a", neg, otm, "a", neg, ")"; nfr 0 ( ) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 1 (0) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 2 (1) ("\textsf{s}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 4 (3) ("\textsf{s}", 1); drv_freeze; drawoptions (withpen drv_pen scaled 2 withcolor (255, 94, 94)/255); draw sbj[4][12].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][12].c .. sbj[3][13].c .. tension .9 .. sbj[3][11].c .. sbj[4][9].c {down} .. sbj[4][9].c shifted (0, -num_hg); draw sbj[4][15].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][15].c .. sbj[3][17].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[2][9].c .. sbj[1][9].c {up} .. tension 1.5.. {down} sbj[1][7].c .. sbj[2][6].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[3][6].c .. sbj[4][6].c {down} .. sbj[4][6].c shifted (0, -num_hg); draw sbj[4][0].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][0].c .. sbj[3][0].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[2][0].c .. sbj[1][0].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[0][0].c {up} .. tension 1.8.. {down} sbj[0][3].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[1][4].c .. sbj[2][4].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[3][4].c .. sbj[4][4].c {down} .. sbj[4][4].c shifted (0, -num_hg); drawoptions (); draw drv_tree; % fig. 631 -> draw jdg[4]; endfig; beginfig(631) % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jgm 0 "a", neg, par, "a"; jgm 1 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "(", "a", par, "a", neg, ")", ")"; jgm 2 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "a", neg; jgm 3 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "(", "(", "a", par, "a", neg, ")", otm, "a", neg, ")"; jgm 4 "a", neg, par, "(", "a", otm, "a", ")", par, "a", par, "(", "a", neg, otm, "a", neg, ")"; nfr 0 ( ) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 1 (0) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 2 (1) ("\textsf{s}", 1); nfr 3 (2) ("\textsf{id}", 1); nfr 4 (3) ("\textsf{s}", 1); drv_freeze; drawoptions (withpen drv_pen scaled 2 withcolor (255, 94, 94)/255); draw sbj[4][12].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][12].c .. sbj[3][13].c .. tension .9 .. sbj[3][11].c .. sbj[4][9].c {down} .. sbj[4][9].c shifted (0, -num_hg); draw sbj[4][15].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][15].c .. sbj[3][17].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[2][9].c .. sbj[1][9].c {up} .. tension 1.5.. {down} sbj[1][7].c .. sbj[2][6].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[3][6].c .. sbj[4][6].c {down} .. sbj[4][6].c shifted (0, -num_hg); draw sbj[4][0].c shifted (0, -num_hg) .. {up} sbj[4][0].c .. sbj[3][0].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[2][0].c .. sbj[1][0].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[0][0].c {up} .. tension 1.8.. {down} sbj[0][3].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[1][4].c .. sbj[2][4].c .. tension 1.2 .. sbj[3][4].c .. sbj[4][4].c {down} .. sbj[4][4].c shifted (0, -num_hg); drawoptions (); draw jdg[4]; % fig. 630 -> draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (ilb, "\scriptstyle"); drv_labels_position (ilb, r); drv_scale (clr, 1); drv_axis_reference iln; % % example - a continued fraction % drv_math_style (ilb, "\textstyle"); drv_scale (jdg, 0); drv_scale (ilb, 0); drv_labels_position (ilb, l); drv_roots_position t; drv_box_mode on; beginfig(640) dcl 0 (1) ("1+", 1) "a"; dcl 1 (2) ("2+", 1) "b"; dcl 2 (3) ("3+", 1) "c"; dcl 3 (4) ("4+", 1) "d"; dcl 4 ( ) ("", 0) "\cdots"; draw drv_tree; endfig; drv_math_style (ilb, "\scriptstyle"); drv_scale (jdg, 1); drv_scale (ilb, 1); drv_labels_position (ilb, r); drv_roots_position b; drv_box_mode off; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % 3. Postamble % end