1.52 2010-01-15 - add photo diode symbol
                      quadripol symbol
                      RelayNOP symbol (Relay normally open)
                      Suppressor symbol
                      Arrestor symbol 
1.51 2009-02-21 - add SQUID symbol
1.50 2009-02-01 - add RFLine symbol
                - internal changes to the code
                - make all microwave symbols work with
                - fix several bugs in the documentation  
1.49 2008-11-18 (hv) - fix bug with edge, renamed to circedge
                     - fixed bug with the current arrows of transsistor type
                     - renamed \next to \circnext
1.48 2008-09-26 (hv) - new option memory for a FET, suggested by 
                       Christoph Friederich (doesn't really work)
                     - fix bug with TRot for FET type 
                     - added dipolestyle twoCircles for Icc
1.47 2008-08-06 (hv) - fix bug with \newcommand instead of \def 
1.46 2008-07-15 (hv) - optional dot for the (new)ground symbol (rw) 
		     - added dipolstyle crystal for the capacitor 
1.45 2008-03-16 (hv) - fix bug with a switch as multidipole 
1.44 2008-02-28 (hv) - added the microwave part (Francois Boone)
1.43 2007-12-18 (hv) - fixed bug with \@empty
1.42 2007-10-15 (hv) - added better FET support (Ted Pavlic)
                     - small changes to draw@dipole (Alan Ristow)
1.41 2007-04-23 (hv) added dipolestyle varistor
1.40 2007-03-23 (hv) fix bug with \@empty in the psset part
1.39 2005-04-03 (hv) fixed introduced bug in wire
1.38 2005-03-07 (hv) added an option for the OA and some more
		     types for dipoles
1.37 2005-03-06 (hv) fix bug with wire and arrows
1.36 2005-02-14 (hv) add another zener symbol
1.35 2005-02-06 (hv) fix some bugs in the documentation
1.34 2004-12-31 (hv) new transistormacro
1.33 2004-12-28 (hv) fix bug for specialCoor in transistor
1.32 2004-12-28 (hv) make transistor changeLR option run
1.31 2004-12-27 (hv) make transistor run
1.30 2004-12-28 (hv) make option arrows=... available, but
                     transistor is broken for this version
1.22 2004-10-31 (hv) use pst-xkey instead of pst-key
1.21 2004-06-10 (hv) option for the logic symbol
1.20 2004-04-30 (hv) options for the logic part
1.2b 2003-08-30 (hv) new tripole potentiometer,
                     fixes some typos in the doc
1.2a 2003-08-28 (hv) added options for ground
1.2  2003-07-28 (hv) added dipolestyle "optoCoupler" and the logic part (Flip Flops)
1.1b 2003-07-24 (hv) added dipolestyle "triac" and use "rectangle" also for the
                      quadrupol transformer; added quadrupol optoCoupler
1.1a 2003-07-22 (hv) fix a bug with tension
1.1  2003-07-18 (hv) fix some bugs and added new dipolestyles for the diode/resistor
1.0  2003-07-10 (cj) first CTAN version

-- pst-circ.sty ---
2007-03-23 (hv) added message for pst-circ.pro

-- pst-circ.pro ---
0.01  2007-03-23 (hv) first version